Hybrid 7: New Members.

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News of Silver Creek's victory against the nine vampires had spread far and wide, soon every vampire and Therian alike heard it and depending on the side they were on, people were either ridiculously happy or insanely furious.

As soon as word got to the Supreme Council for Vampires, there was a target placed on Silver Creek's back. Word was sent to every vampire out there, promising great wealth and power to he or she who could brings the head of Silver Creek's Alpha on a glass platter.

After school one day, Tyler received a message from the Lycan High Council, informing him of the potential threat and warning him to stay on alert, as the Vampires would no doubt try to get to him by using the innocent, namely humans.

"Vampire's such drama queens" said Tyler to his pack after reading the message aloud.

The potential threat to humans had Tyler worried, he knew that his pack of seven weren't going to be able to protect their entire town, which was not that small to begin with, and that's excluding the woodland area's that ran for miles in all directions. He knew that with everything that was happening and that were going be happening he needed to make his pack stronger both physically and numerically.

Tyler took it up on his self to start inviting other non-pack Therians to his territory, explaining that he needed were-folk who were willing to join his pack despite the coming dangers posed by the retaliating vampires.

He waited for days before seeing his first were-animal, since officially becoming an alpha, Tyler could somehow sense the identity of another were-creature's beast while they were still in human form. This particular person was a werewolf but Tyler didn't need his alpha gifts to tell him that, this boy no more than sixteen, showed nothing but wolf mannerisms sniffing the air constantly, while also growling at anyone invading his personal space, informing Tyler that he has probably spent most of his life since shifting in his wolf form, living in the woods, probably only ever leaving when he wanted certain items you could only get in civilization.

Still suppressing his aura, Tyler introduced himself, trying to get to know the young man's character before giving him the opportunity to join his pack.

"Hi, are you okay?, you look kinda lost." said Tyler to the young man.

"Yea... I'm kinda new in town, and I was just trying to find my bearings" replied the young man seemingly puzzled at Tyler's boldness.

"I'm Tyler, nice to meet you" extending his hand in greeting.

"I'm Kyle, he said shaking Tyler's hand.

As they were shaking hands, Tyler noticed that Kyle was exerting pressure, probably out of a habit of proving dominance, so he, still intending to seem human, deliberately buckled under the pressure of Kyle's handshake, pretending to be hurt as he pulled his hand away.

"I'm sorry" said Kyle sincerely.

"I got carried away there for a second, I wasn't trying to hurt you, I used to do that with my older brother back in the day, so I guess I just felt nostalgic because you reminded me of him". said Kyle looking concerned.

During this time, Tyler was talking to his pack mates, trying to figure out a way to test Kyle's awareness and intentions via the pack link.

: I don't think that would work : said Tyler blowing off another suggestion from Derrick who suggested hitting Tyler with the H3.

: What's wrong with you Derrick : chimed Ashley.

: I think it would be funny : said Demetrius, still shocking everyone with his weird sense of humor.

: C'mon guys if I keep stalling, he's gonna think something's up : said Tyler, now messaging his hand.

"I'm really sorry Tyler, I didn't think it was going to be that bad" said Kyle now really worried.

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