Hybrid 74 - Nine Tailed Fox Academy

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Andre and his daughter sat on the hallway floor reminiscing about old times, until they got to that tragic day. He had to explain what happened after they took her away from him that day in court.

He told her he didn't know how many years it had been since they were separated, and seeing her now as a teenager made him both furious and releaved that he doesn't have to search anymore.

His daughter couldn't grasp just how vindictively evil her mom was, she had heard the lies in court that day way back then, and she tried to tell the judge but none of the adults would listen. She also knew the earlier conversation they were having on the phone was a lie, because her mother was very wealthy, so she not being able to afford school in America was a total lie.

As soon as she remembered the call from earlier, she remembered it's abrupt end.

"OMG mom!" she said worried.

"She.... she was on the phone with me and I heard a loud noise before she hung up!"

"Yeah.....sorry about that" replied Andre.

"What do you mean?"she asked sitting up as if she wanted to pull herself away from him.

"What did you do?" she asked now extremely worried.

"Relax, I just kicked her door in and asked where you were is all" said Andre before looking away in shame.

"And what did you do after she told you, did you kill her?" she asked a little scared.

By now everyone in the classroom that was listening gasped in shock.

"No, but I might've if a friend wasn't there to stop me." replied Andre.

There was utter silence for a while, then with wide eyes she asked another question.

"If you were just there with Mom, how the hell did you get here so quickly?" she asked.

"Haha, I guess you'd have to see it to believe it" he replied.

"Ok" she said shocking Andre.

"What do you mean aren't you staying here?" he asked.

"You wish, I'm never leaving your side again!" she declared.

"But what about your mom?"

"She can stuff it, as far as I'm concerned she is dead to me, she basically kidnapped me for over ten years, why should I go back to her?"

"All she'd do is try to hide me from you again!"

As those very words left her lips, her phone began ringing.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Baby girl, something bad has happened and I'm coming to get you, I'd be there by five later today so when your classes are finished, pack your stuff because we're leaving first thing."

"Why....i thought I couldn't leave for another four years?"

"Well you can leave now and you can pick whatever school you want to attend"

"How come, didn't you say we didn't have money for other schools this morning?"

"Yeah but I won the lottery so we good now, just pack your bags"

"No you're a liar!"

"I'm with Dad and he told me everything, I can't believe you'd do this to me for so long."

"I don't even know why you'd do it to him, why'd you send him to those people?"

"How could you be so heartless!"

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