Hybrid 75 - Kalgarelo

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Ever since Andre and Kimberly left, the Silver Creek members had to go back to their normal lives, Tyler made sure everyone went back to training three times as much as they would before. Somehow he just knew they weren't strong enough to take on the God of Thunder Zeus or even the imprisoned Cronos.

He could see that their powers and abilities had grown since his return but he didn't know if it had anything to do with whatever Hera had done to him.

Ever since he drank that strange liquid he felt something burning in the pit of his stomach begging to be engaged, but no matter how hard he tried to utilize it, nothing happened. It was as if it was just out of his reach, even so Tyler kept trying, while the others trained by pushing themselves physically, he was torturing his self mentally.

Days passed with no progress, but Tyler kept trying, even when the other pack members had gone on their breaks he kept going, he needed that power whatever it was, he knew that there was no way in which he could protect his family and friends if it came down to him defeating an actual God, so regardless of the difficulty, he just had to succeed.

More time passed and everyone was getting worried, they saw how determined Tyler was while he sat meditating, and just the exhausted look on his face made Ashley snap.

"Okay that's it!" she shouted snapping Tyler out if his intense concentration.

"I've had enough if this, I'm tired of seeing you sit there, it's as if you're trying to kill yourself!"

"Well I'm not having it, we're leaving, we're going on a cruise!" she stated, shocking Tyler into confusion.

"We're what?" he asked bewildered.

"We're going on a cruise and that's final!" she said before turning around and heading upstairs.

"Let's go girls we need to pack or things!"

"Yes!" screamed the girls in the pack house, even Yuki was a little excited even though she knew she was going to hate not being closer to the shoreline.


(After Ryden made Vampires public knowledge)

Ever since the Vampires made their existence known to the public, humans around the world were up in arms, rioting and attacking people who they suspected to be supernatural being. The governments of the world had to create a joint task force of sorts similar to the United Nations in order to combat these monsters as they came to call them.

They began drafting young people against their will, sending them to army facilities where they would be trained to exterminate these monsters as they encounter them, but what the world didn't know was that these drafted Individuals would be experimented on, so that they would be better able to stand against the beings that were both stronger and faster than any human would ever get to be naturally, or by going through training.

Soon secret organizations who had always been researching supernatural beings, began sending their experts to consult with the new military branch dedicated to eradicating monsters, which enabled them to advance their research by leaps and bounds.

Some soldiers were modified with robotics, essentially turning them into cyborgs, some were modified with organs from differently supernatural beings, in hopes of those organs changing their new host's body into the very beings the organs originally came from, only this time they would be fully under the orders of their superiors.

Human chimera research underwent a major overhaul with the help of an anonymous person, who sent hundreds of documents containing detailed explanations on making a stable human chimera who would listen to orders unconditionally, some soldiers received injections over time that gave them a boost in their physical abilities, making them immune to pain and emotionless.

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