Hybrid 71 - New Abilities? Return To Tartarus? Reunited, Tyler's Return

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Tyler opened his eyes looking up at a smiling Hera, he was so startled that he immediately sat up which resulted in him smacking heads with her. Shocked at what he'd done, Tyler began apologizing frantically, which made Hera laugh at his awkward mumblings.

"It is okay child, I am stronger than I look" she said smiling.

Tyler sat there embarrassed while holding his head, until he realized that both his arms were present and accounted for, he was so flustered that all he could do was blurt out an incoherent question, before having to repeat himself.

"What happened, and..where am I?" he asked.

"Your arm has been repaired and you're at my home" she replied still smiling.

"Okay......and where is your home?"

"I mean it doesn't look anything like where I'm from" he said still confused.

"We are, on a mountain" she replied.

"Doesn't look like any mountain I know" said Tyler after looking around.

"Well you could say we're on a different plain of existence" she replied as if Tyler would understand what she meant.

"Oh......right" said Tyler sarcastically.

: And what the hell does that mean? : he thought to himself.

Hera began laughing.

"It's okay, I wouldn't expect you to know what i am talking about".

She began explaining to Tyler about where he was, what she was, and what the Gods of Greek "mythology" were, he was so amazed that he sat there listening patiently as she spoke, waiting until she was finished before he would ask any follow up questions.

"So everyone here are Gods?" he asked dumbfounded.

"Yes and no, some of us are called Demigods, they are children and grandchildren of the gods who decided to "mingle" with humans they find attractive, or with anyone they lusted for out of intrigue or mere boredom.

"Your grandparents were also Gods, but they were until recently, only lower tier Gods." she said with a slight grimace that Tyler would've missed had he not been so fascinated with her Godly beauty.

"So what does that make my father, is he also a God?" he asked ignoring the look all together.

"He is, but I'm sure he wasn't aware of that and neither was your mother"

Tyler was so surprised that he sat there with his mouth opened, shocked at the mind blowing news that he just heard, he played it over and over in his head, until he was so confused that he had to ask other questions.

"So what about.....me?" he asked excited to finally hear a definitive answer.

Hera sighed before looking at Tyler with a stern look, then she began telling him what happened to his grandparents before he was even born.
She told him of what Aphrodite did that caused them to be banished, she told him about the curse they had to endure, she told him about the two lesser gods she ordered to accompany them in disguise, to pretend to love them whilst spying on them, she told him how the women actually came to fall in love over time and eventually bore children, giving birth to Xavier and Gwenevere, then she told him about how he was born and how he got to the orphanage.

Tyler even now more confused than ever, looked at Hera and asked his question again.

"So what exactly I am?"

Hera took a while to answer because she wanted to make sure her answer was as concise as she could make it.

"You are.....a God who was born with two curses meant for his parents"

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