Hybrid 42: Ugly puss filled monstrosities!

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Boom boom BOOM!

Was all Bam could hear, he was so confused that he stood frozen in shock at what he was witnessing further away from the flower fields, nearer to where the village was located.

"Holy fodoodlebop, what in the world is happening?" he asked before leaving the flower fields heading straight to his village.

He flew as fast as his wings could take him but he wasn't getting any closer to his destination, on account of him having to dodge various debris that came flying towards him after every explosion he heard.

"I hope the villagers are okay" he said after dodging another set of various debris.

Each time he heard the explosion, he felt his surroundings shake, it was very nerve wracking that he felt it, considering that he was still flying, but what made it worse was all the emotions he felt from the trees that were being destroyed, their pain made it almost impossible to fly, but Bam knew that he had to get back to the village, so he mustered his strength and kept on flying until he could see the village just up ahead.

"Finally!" he said as he flew past the village entrance just before landing totally exhausted.

The village was in absolute disarray, villagers flew from left to right trying their best to keep their young ones safe from the giant falling debris that came flying in at such speeds, that if someone was to get hit by them they would instantly perish.

There was mass panic and hysteria due to what was happening and the various emotions they all felt from the dying trees and shrubs were making it even more so unbearable.

"What in the world is happening" said one of the villagers as she flew carrying her young ones, heading for the underground shelter they'd often use when the "giant ones" wondered near their village.

"Bam!" screamed a familiar voice.

"Oh thank the heaven's you're back!" she said as she hugged his legs trying to find safety there.

"April?" Bam asked shocked.

"Goodness child, what are you doing out here in this horrible situation?" he asked before lowering himself to April's level so he could look her in the eyes.

He saw that she was crying and decided that it wasn't the time to scold her, so instead he hugged her as she cried in his embrace.

Suddenly Bam heard another explosion but this time as soon as he felt his surroundings begin to shake, he heard someone shouting.

"Look out!"

Bam looked up to see a huge boulder above him, ready to crush both him and his little sister April to death, on instinct he pushed April out of the way before releasing his magic in an attempt to block the boulder, unfortunately he was not strong enough to block it perfectly, so upon contact with the speeding boulder of death he got flung back into one of the stone houses that the village's aristocrat would reside in, breaking multiple bones in his body, leaving him bloodied and unconscious as April watched in horror.

"Oh my heavens, Bam!" she screamed horrified.


Horrific couldn't even begin to describe the grotesque monstrosities that the girl's faced, the five men were so hideous that Yuki almost threw up while she was shifted because of the disgusting sounds the bodies made as they morphed more and more hideously.

Tashay was amazed at their stupidity because she couldn't understand why a human being would want to transform into something as disgusting and slimy as the men were. She watched as their bodies stretched and their muscles grew, as their claws extended outwards, as their hair began falling out and their skins bubbled up with puss filled bulges all over, but the most scary thing that had happened was the sudden rage that all five men/monsters began portraying.

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