Hybrid 48 :Koji released, Vampires in Silver Creek, Creepy old Vampire attacks

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Hours passed and Koji was finally awake, he was surprised to see that he was not tied to the bed he was currently on, so he began looking around. Sitting up, he noticed that he was in a fully furnished cave like area, he kept thinking about the night before and wondered if the events that took place after leaving the club real, until he saw Yuki sitting in a chair by his bed.

"Onee-Chan" he said whispering, waking Yuki from her nap.

"Koji-kun you're awake, i'm so glad you're okay" she said as she stood and hugged her brother.

"Really?" he asked confused.

"Then why did you bring me here of all places?"

"Because this is my home" she replied softly, trying not to start an argument.

"Your home?!"

"Your HOME?!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"These guys are murderers!" he shouted furious.

"No they are not.....we are not" said Yuki still keeping herself calm.


"That's funny, so you're one of them now huh"

"You're one of those fucking animals?"

"Yes! and please don't call them that, they're my family" said Yuki, instantly regretting the remark.


"Are you being serious?"

"You are not their family, you're not even my family anymore!" he said deliberately trying to hurt her.

"You're dead, WE, your REAL family buried you!"

"Please don't say that, i didn't plan on leaving you guys, it's just what happened" Yuki said as tears began falling from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, i really loved you guys, i didn't want to leave but if i had stayed, i might have hurt you guys and i didn't want to do that, i just wanted you, mom and dad to be happy" she said as she tried finding the right words to say.

"Happy, how the hell were we to be happy after you left us?"

"You were always the fun one, the smart one, the one that everybody wanted to be around, including me, but you left us, you left ME!"

"I didn't want to, i loved you, i still love you, please believe me, i didn't want to leave any of you, especially you, you were my best friend" she cried pleading.

"Love, best friend?"

"What kind of person would leave there family to go live with a bunch of monsters?"

"How is that love?"

"Because you left, i began hanging with the wrong crowd!"

"That's how i became a fucking blood sucker!" he screamed.

"That's how i ended up killing our fucking parents!" he shouted stunning Yuki into silence.


Tyler and the other were upstairs, they weren't planning on eavesdropping on Yuki's reunion with her little brother, but their superior hearing allowed them to hear everything that was said and it didn't help that Koji was shouting.

Rebecca, Scarlet and Lizzie were all feeling incredibly sad, because they were so close with Yuki and they knew her heart was on the verge of breaking. They've all had conversations with Yuki where she told them about her human life, and how she wished she could meet her dad, mom and little brother again someday, and now her wish was dead, yes she got to see her brother but this was not the circumstance she'd wanted it to be under.

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