Chapter32:Their Idea of Fun

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~Y/N's POV~
We were enjoying each other's presence, my phone was test running the app I was making, it was on question mode so it will only give us random questions, we were knowing a lot about each other and then one question came up. "What's your Idea of Fun?" The Robotic Voice asked.

"Weaponry and Combat." We choruses and I did not expect this, we looked at each other, an idea popping in my head "Should we head to the grounds?" Wakatoshi asked "Should that even be a question?" I asked while standing up with Natsuko, the four of us grinned.

"Taro, watch over the kids while we go have fun." I said while kissing Yuri on the cheek and ruffling Haru's hair "Yes Young Master." Kitaro said while bowing his head slightly, I walked off with the others to the fields for abit of fun.

The idea of fun....

My idea of fun used to be playing games, escaping that lunatic and poor excuse of a woman, watching the sunset and sunrise on the old rooftop, running around the quiet, dark  streets of Tokyo during any weather condition eventhough I felt empty and alone...


All of it changed when I met Kenma, Games weren't just games anymore, they became something I did because I wanted to play with him, Escaping that crazy bitch wasn't just because it was painful but because I didn't want him tosee what was underneath my bandages and sleeves, I no longer watch the sunsets and sunrises alone on that run down rooftop...infact, star gazing was added to one of the most beautiful sights we've seen together, I no longer run those dark alleys and streets alone, I have a hand to hold and arms to keep me warm when the wind blows coldly or someone to put my hair up when the nights are too warm.

He came into my life and fixed me without knowing it.... I once wished that when she chained me up and left me to die that I should just die rather than live a life like that but when I met him, every beating, every chain, every starving moment, I always found the strength to not let go because I didn't want to leave him behind without saying anything....

I thought like that but "Mother" went too far and I couldn't keep my eyes open, I felt cold, warm fluid coming out of my body as the carpets absorbed the life out of me, I said I needed to see him just one more time but I was too weak....

I woke up in a white room, unfamiliar people surrounding me....

My idea of fun changed drastically after that.... Thanks to that Crazy Bitch that I mistakenly took as my mother, my pain tolerance was enough to handle 8 bullets and multiple beatings, my real family had their way of managing such a broken person such as me. They taught me how to fight, verbally, emotionally and physically.

My idea of fun.... Weaponry, Combat, Fights... Everything became a Game.... The only thing I cherished was my family.... My Family along with my extended family.... They can call me a Crazy Bitch but in exchange, if they cross the line, I won't hesitate to pull out a weapon and kill and if I don't kill them, better hope that they'll be erased from the face of the Earth.

We reach the shooting fields, we showed our ID's as if it was necessary and put on our gear. I maybe wearing heels and a skirt but doesn't mean I can't have hidden surprises. My purse contains its own hidden pockets and items.

Me and Natsuko open our purses while Kiyoomi and Wakatoshi got their gear from their lockers. Everyone that is a member or an important person has their own lockers and areas, We were both.

I put my on the gloves from my purse and the protective earmuffs and sunglasses from my locker, I took out my handgun, put some bullets in the Magazine (Bullet Barrel) and cocked the gun so it's ready for shooting, I look over to Natsuko beside me and she already had hers ready.

"It's time to have fun." I said while adjusting my earmuffs and glasses and they just nodded, looking at each other and grinning before shooting our targets. You could hear bullets firing, metal clanking, wood falling, guns cocking, bullet cases falling.

After bringing down all our targets, we put down our guns on the table infront of us and take off our muffs and glasses.

"You never told me you were a Sharp Shooter Nana!" Natsuko said while nudging me and I only chuckled, most of my targets were on point, only 1 or 2 misses, Natsuko had 6 misses, Wakatoshi had 3 and Kiyoomi had 2.

"I learned from the best!" I said and we just chuckled "Round 2?" Natsuko asked "You don't need to ask twice." I said as I swiftly geared up and refilled and ready my gun and quickly aim at the new targets at front.

We all had wide smiles plastered on our faces, chuckling and laughing every now and then. This went on until it was sunset. The four of us got ready and locked up our things in our lockers and walked back to the main cafe.

We walked to the parking lot, the kids and Kitaro are already in the car. I have Natsuko a goodbye hug and shook the boys hands afterwards, bidding them safe travels on their way back.

We got in our cars and drove off. We were supposed to visit the boys before heading back home. I wasn't sweaty or tired, I had a lot of fun.

We arrived at Fukurōdani and the boys were done eating and were talking outside the dining hall. I walked up to them and the two kids ran and gave them hugs, they were with some friends but that's fine, none of them know anyways.

"I feel cheated on." Keiji said and I looked at him with confusion "Us Too." The three other boys said and I was confused "What do you mean?" I asked "You smell like Gun Powder and Caramel." Tobio said and I immediately got what they were saying.

"Mommy had a lot of fun today! She signed agreements, we ate sweets and food, she also went shooting!" Haru said "How dare you..." Lev mumbled sadly and I chuckled nervously "Gomenne, I wouldn't turn down a fun offer besides, we'll go shooting after camp." I said while ruffling Kenma's hair.

"Well you guys better get ready for bed, C'mon, go say your goodnights to these dorks...." I said while ruffling Yuri's short hair, the kids gave them hugs and kisses and I do the same, we head back to the car after bidding them goodnight.

Kitaro drove us home and we ate dinner at the cafe so we just cleaned up and went to bed.

The idea of Fun.... A game We could control.... A game. Life is a Game after all so why not have fun while playing.... just don't overdo it.

Word Count:1200

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