Meet and Greet (Michael B. Jordan Imagine)

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Michael B

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Michael B. Jordan as himself

Lori Harvey as herself

Normani Kordei as Liyah

Jordyn Woods as Tiffany


I was sitting at the bar with my sister, sipping drinks and having a great time. While we were having a conversation, I spotted a tall, caramel-skinned man walked in and he went to the bar to order himself a drink. I knew he looked familiar because I think I have seen him on TV one time then, I realized that it was Michael B. Jordan! Yes, you heard that correctly. I knew that was him because of those brown eyes, broad shoulders, and a dimpled smile. I was wondering why was he there. Maybe he needed a break from working or something.

"Liyah? Liyah, what are you looking at?" she asked me.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, sis, I got distracted. You're not going to believe who I just saw over there."



She turned around to see Michael and she screamed so loud that he knocked over his drink and looked scared. 

"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry, Michael! I didn't mean to scare you!" she said.

He spotted us and started to approach us. I hope we, I mean, her doesn't embarrass him for what happened earlier.

"H-hi, Michael. What's h-happening?" she stuttered a little.

"So, it was you who screamed, wasn't it?"


"Yes, she did scream. She didn't mean to scare you." I told him

"That's alright. I get used to people who freak out when they see me in public. Was everything okay with you, beautiful?"

"Everything's fine but not as fine as you." she came close to him and flirted with him, "I'm Tiffany, by the way."

"Pleasure to meet you, little mama." he said as he took her hand and kissed it.

She gasped and began to hyperventilate as I told her to calm just because he kissed her hand. This girl needs to take a chill pill and I could see other folks looking at us like we're crazy.

"What about you, sweetheart?" he asked me.

"Who me?"

"Yeah, you. What's your name?" he smiled.


"Liyah. As in Aaliyah?"

"Yeah, it's short for Aaliyah." I smiled

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

"Thank you." I blushed.

"Are you two ladies having a great time?" he asked, smiling.

"Why yes, we are. What brings you here at this hour?" I asked him.

"Well, I've been busting my butt off for the past week and now I'm taking a few days off until I go back to work."

"I like that you're busy as always. That's what I like in a man."

"You like a hard-working man, huh?"


"I tell you what. Why would you give me your number so we could link up."

"Love to."

"Hey, what about me? Can I have your number? Pleaseeee." she begged.

"Sure, just give me yours and I'll put it in my phone."

We exchanged phone numbers and we watched him walk out of the bar. I couldn't believe that my sister and I actually met Michael B. Jordan, here at this bar! I didn't expect him to appear at a place like this and I haven't met any celebrities in public at all so this would be my first celeb encounter. We began to order our food and as we were eating, Tiffany was about to say something to me.

"Let's make a bet." she told me.

"What kind of bet?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"If I wanted to have sex with Michael one time, you'd pay me $100."

"A $100? Sis, for what?"

"If I could hook up with him."

"Yeah in your dreams."

"But Liyah, I wanna sleep with him!" she said to me.

"Girl, bye! You know he has a girlfriend."

"Who was he dating at this time?"

"I don't know but I think she's a model or something."

"Do you know her name?" she asked me.

"Hell naw. I don't even though what she looks like."

"Me either but he sure is fine as hell."

"Yeah, he is."

After spending nearly three hours in there, we exited the bar and I dropped Tiffany at her house before heading to my place. As soon as I arrived at my loft, I went to my kitchen to pour myself a glass of red wine before going upstairs to unwind. I removed my clothes and put on my lingerie and I sat on my bed with my wine glass in my hand and I began to watch a few episodes of "Girlfriends" on Netflix from my television.  

I couldn't believe that he had our numbers and he wanted the two of us to hang out with him! I didn't expected that to happen and this is going to get very exciting and I wondering what would he do to us if we link up soon.

✨part one✨

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