Julie: Eyes/Just the Highlights (6)

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I should've known I should have never mentioned Eli's eyes. I mean there's not much to say about them. Fine, I guess I can say a little bit. It won't kill me.

Eli has these blue eyes that aren't just blue. There's bits of green and such mixed in. He has really long eyelashes for a guy but they're not super noticeable because they're blonde. Anyway his eyes are gorgeous. A girl would cut off their left arm for his eyes. Not me. I don't understand cutting off your left arm for anything. Except if you're in a 127 Hours situation. Or was it his right arm the guy cut off... Either way there was arm cutting.

Anyway, his eyes are beautiful and it's hard not to notice them once you've noticed them for the first time. Especially since he has this habit of making awkward eye contact. In between the fact that his eyes are distracting, so is the fact that he's looking at you and not looking away. It's disconcerting. He's disconcerting. Don't tell him I said that, okay? He'll never let me hear the end of it.

 Don't tell him I said that, okay? He'll never let me hear the end of it

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"Stop looking at me."

"You're looking at me!"

"Am not."

"You totally are."

"I was not looking at you."

"You're looking at me now."

"I am looking at you now but that's only because you were looking at me because you're insane."

"Hey! No need to get into insults!"

"It's not an insult if it's true."


"Now who's getting into insults?"


"Fine. Now stop looking at me."

"As soon as you stop looking at me."

"I never look at you if I can avoid it."

"You're always looking at me."

"No I'm not."

"And you make awkward eye contact."


"You make seriously awkward eye contact."

"I do not!"

"You don't blink enough. Like you just stare. You're staring all the time. You stare at me when I'm not looking at you and when I am looking at you, you make awkward eye contact."

"Just go away already."

"Not until you tell me I'm right."

"Well you're going to be here a long time."

"I can deal."

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