Eli: The Game Changer/Just the Highlights (172)

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After the whole thing with our parents Nora and I's troubles just kept getting worse. We argued but didn't know what we were arguing about and I had no clue how it was going to end up. Looking back, I know it was a stage we could have gotten through if we had wanted to. And we did want to. But even though that was true, it was going to be a long couple of months of awkward meals and weird looks from friends. That is, if we didn't get a little surprise in the form of a test.

A pregnancy test.

Like the idiot I was, I thought it was because I had been an idiot and assumed that we had, uh, not been as careful as we needed to be but Nora put an end to that thought real fast. It turns out that we hadn't been as careful as we thought but it wasn't until after the marriage. I was actually a little disappointed that it wasn't a shotgun wedding because then it would be a little less embarrassing than getting married out of the blue. Either way, I was going to be a dad!

After that, our parents' reactions (almost) didn't matter. Nora and I did not hesitate to put aside all of our problems to become our own family. We instantly started making plans (AKA googling everything about babies) and taking care of what had to be taken care of. We both agreed that we wouldn't even bother telling our parents and that if they wanted to spend time with us they would do that on their own.

But of course that didn't go as planned. I kept the promise but Nora got up in the middle of the night to call her parents and tell them. I couldn't hold it against her, who was I to say she couldn't if she wanted to, but I wish she had told me even though I know she had had her reasons.

She called when she thought I was asleep but I could hear her sneak the phone into the other room and dial their number. It took all I had to not go to her when she cried after they hung up on her. They didn't even give her a chance to explain or tell them about the baby. But I knew there was nothing I could do to make it better and that there were things that people just had to go through alone.

 But I knew there was nothing I could do to make it better and that there were things that people just had to go through alone

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"Elliot? What-"

"Nora's pregnant, Mom. We found out today and we're really excited and happy and even if you and Dad aren't I figured you should know. But no matter what you say I'm still going to be happy."


"Are you still there? Did you hang up?"

"No, I'm here. You're having a baby?"

"Um, yeah. Yes, I mean. We're having a baby. It's kind of expected but I think it'll be a really good thing."

"That's... That's amazing."


"Really. I'm so happy for you honey. I, um, I am so sorry for the way your father and I handled your other news. It was a horrible thing to do. I'm-"

"Mom, don't worry about it. It's all okay now, I promise. Please don't cry. I'm okay and we're okay."

"It's just that you're our baby and we were so scared for you and we thought... I don't know what we thought."

"It's all okay now. All's well that ends well, right?"



"So how's Nora? Is she getting morning sickness yet? When she does get it I have some tips that might help her."

"She's good. And yeah I think she would really appreciate that. We'd really love any advice you can give us."

"Of course. Um, maybe your father and I could come down one weekend? We'd really love to meet her officially. Any time you want and we'll meet you guys and pay and everything."

"Thanks mom, that would be great. I'll talk to Nora about times and I'll let you know."

"Just tell me and I'll make sure we get there. And don't worry about telling your father, I'll tell him so he doesn't say something stupid. He really does mean well, honey."

"I know, Mom. Don't worry about it."

"It's getting late, I should be heading to bed."

"Yes, of course. Tell Dad hello and I'll call you tomorrow about planning that lunch."

"Great. Tell Nora hello for us."

"I will. Bye Mom, I love you."

"I love you too, Elliot."

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