Eli: Nora/Just the Highlights (164)

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 Okay for this part I'm going to just give you a lot of information at once because looking back on this period of my life just sucks. It's better for all of us for me to just skim over this part even more and just give you the briefest details. All right? Good.

Anyway, after Nora introduced herself in the supermarket that day, I was kind of freaked out. I didn't know how to deal with this girl coming up to me out of the blue and questioning everything I had done since I had gotten to the city. But I had learned that pushing away abrupt girls who call you out on your shit never works. Either they never leave you alone in a good way or they never leave you alone in a bad way. So instead of leaving the supermarket hoping never to see her again, I caught up with her and asked for her number. She gave it to me and we went out that night and then the next night and then the night after that.

This led us to a few months later when we were still going strong and going out with a few couples Nora had introduced me to. We went out with these couples about once a week but that night had been different as one of the usual couples had broken up. Everyone was shocked, they had been together for more than a year and we thought they would get engaged if anything else, and Nora and I didn't really have anything to say about it on the way back to my apartment. That was, until I got an idea.

You can blame it on the alcohol or whatever else was going on that night, but I still have no clue what made me think about it. Granted, it worked out pretty well but it would have seemed horribly stupid to someone outside of the situation. And what was this brilliant idea of mine? That we get married. I decided that life was too short (which it is) and that I loved her (which I did) and that she loved me (which she did) and there was no reason that we shouldn't (which was true, if you forgot about the fact that we hadn't been dating for long enough). And for some reason, maybe because she was tipsy as well and didn't want to shut my idea down, Nora agreed.

By the next morning we were married. We went straight down to city hall as soon as it opened and got it done. There was no forethought, no consideration for anyone else, and we told no one. We used a couple we saw outside as our witnesses and were as happy as could be. It wasn't newsworthy but we were crazy happy.

 It wasn't newsworthy but we were crazy happy

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"Are we idiots? I think we're idiots."

"Possibly. But do you care?"

"Not really. It's kind of fun."




"I do have one problem though."

"And what is that?"

"I'm not entirely sure if I can deal with you for the rest of my life."

"Oh really."

"Really. You're kind of annoying."

"You wound me, Mrs. Masters. Of all the people I thought I could count on..."

"Hey! Put me down, Elliot!"

"Nope! You have to apologize first."

"Never. You do not control me."

"Do you think I would have married you if I could?"

"Probably not. You have a thing for girls that give you a hard time."

"Damn right."

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