Eli: Couple Friends/Just the Highlights (212)

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There was nothing more relieving than seeing Nora and Julie become friends, especially since it happened so quickly. I had faith in both of them to be mature adults, Casey and I were definitely the more immature of the group, but I still had this bad feeling about the whole dinner. Luckily for everyone, that bad feeling didn't pan out (at all). Julie met (and loved) Ava, the feeling was mutual, and she and Nora got along like they had been friends forever. Neither of them would ever tell me what they talked about that night on the porch but I guess I really didn't need to know. All I needed to know was that they were cool.

Casey and I, unsurprisingly, got along like no time had passed. We really had nothing to disagree over in the first place. But knowing that he and I were good was nice just so I could solidify that Casey and Julie would become our new couple friends. Nora and I had always searched for the elusive couple friends but having Ava so early kind of put a kibosh on that. We were at an age where there were plenty of married couples, just not a lot with kids. Yes, they were considering having kids, but wanting to have kids and actually having a kid was a lot different and it scared a lot of people off. But now we had Julie and Casey, and they had no way to escape (insert evil laugh here).

All couple friends talk aside, I was really happy to have them around again. They would always be welcome in my (and now our) lives.

 They would always be welcome in my (and now our) lives

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"That went well."

"It actually did."

"Don't tell me you had doubts."

"I had some but not a lot."

"Seriously? This was your idea!"

"But it worked out, right? So my doubts no longer matter."

"I guess. Only you would invite people over, knowing I'd be worried about how it would go, and pretend that you were okay when you weren't."

"Nah I'm pretty sure a lot of guys would do that."

"That's probably true."

"But it did go well in the end."

"It did. It'll be nice to have some couple friends."


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