Eli: Junior Year/Just the Highlights (40)

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It is no secret that a person's junior year of high school is the hardest year. It's absolute hell, actually. I know that sounds like simple exaggeration but really, I have no reason to. Junior year just sucks the life force out of you.

It doesn't seem that way at first. It sort of creeps up on you. At the beginning of the year, all your classes seem the same as the year before. This similarity was increased even more when it ended up that most of my teachers were the same as the year before, just slightly different subjects.

But then it hits you. Suddenly the workload is no longer manageable, suddenly you're just trying to stay alive. Tread water, if you will. And from that moment on, your life is an endless stream of AP test preparation, essays, and study groups. Sure there's good things like powderpuff and prom (well, that's sort of good) but they don't outweigh the stress and the sleepless nights. Junior year is not for the weak.

Senior year, however, is much more rewarding. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel and finally it's almost over.

 You can see the light at the end of the tunnel and finally it's almost over

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"I think I'm dying."

"You're not dying."

"How do you know? You don't know my body."

"That sounded really dirty."

"Just move past it."

"Do your work."


"What are you doing?"

"Flopping over in utter defeat. The homework has beaten me."

"Well get off me."

"But then I have to work."

"But I can't work if you're acting like this."




"Please let you keep laying on me?"


"I don't think that can happen, sweet pea. You're lying with your head on my lap, do you know how this could backfire for you?"


"Come on, think of guy's laps."


"Thank you, now I can get some work done."

"You're a sick sick boy."

"You love me anyway, sweet pea."


To all of you that haven't already, check out my new Tumblr valiantlycrookedtimemachine.tumblr.com because I'll be talking about this story on there (such as hints) and also promoting stories that I love here on Wattpad.

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