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What is Karma?
Karma is the having knowledge of dharma for serving the purpose.

Knowledge of Dharma comes from Inside, not outside

No knowledge comes from outside; it is all inside.

All the knowledge available to humanity is already in your head, it’s just that you have to remove the veils to uncover that knowledge. Similarly, the knowledge of your Dharma is already in your head, you have to remove the veils to know what is your Dharma.

We say Newton discovered gravitation.

Was it sitting anywhere in a corner waiting for him? It was in his own mind; the time came and he found it out. All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in your own mind.

The external world is simply the suggestion, the occasion, which sets you to study your own mind, but the object of your study is always your own mind. The falling of an apple gave the suggestion to Newton, and he studied his own mind; he rearranged all the previous links of thought in his mind and discovered a new link among them, which we call the law of gravitation.

It was not in the apple nor in anything in the centre of the earth. What Newton did to Gravitation is the same what the Gentleman did to Chandra Dhaba in Batal — looking into his own mind and figuring out the Dharma.

All knowledge therefore, secular or spiritual, is in the human mind.

Similarly, the knowledge of what is my Dharma is also in my own mind. The external world is just an instrument, a platform to discover and establish my Dharma.

Unless you know your Dharma, you will never be able to define Karma.

Unless you know your Dharma, you will never be able to define Karma

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