Greatness of Cow

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Greatness of Cow

The Vedas with their six limbs, pada and krama resides in the mouth of the Cow.

Hari and Kesava resides on the horns.

Skanda resides on the belly.

Brahma resides on the head.

Shankara resides on the forehead.

Indra resides on the tip of the horn of the Cow.

The Aswins reside in the ears.

Sun and the Moon reside in the eyes.

Garuda resides in the teeth.

Saraswati resides in the tongue of the Cow.

All the sacred places remain in the anus.

Ganges resides in the urine.

The sages reside in the pores of the skin.

Yama resides on the backside of the face of the Cow.

Kubera and Varuna reside on the right side.

Yakshas reside on the left side.

Gandharvas reside on the center.

The celestial nymphs resides on the hind parts of the hoofs of the Cow.

The all-auspicious Lakshmi resides in the cow-dung and cow-urine.

Those who move in the sky resides on the tip of the feet.

Prajapati lives in the bellowing sound.

The full four oceans reside in the udder of the Cow.

(Padma Purana - Srishti Khanda 48.156 - 48.166)


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