The Caste System Myth

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The Caste System Myth

Although the caste system has become a hegemonic tool of the corrupt and power-hungry to lord over the masses, claim- ing that they are holier than others, the system was actually meant to be a horizontal system based in innate or God-given qualifications.

For example, the largest, strongest people were best suited to be the soldiers; those with a love of prayer were the priests; those with an affinity for the earth were the farmers; and those with have a pen- chant for serving were the servants.

This system was meant to create a natural interdependency among the groups: each needs the other to make their lives whole. Each person was given innate qualities necessary for the duties they were given.

This was more a matter of the natural expression of certain traits:

• Brahmins (priests): serenity, self-restraint, discipline, purity, forgiveness (in heart to even those who seek to hurt), directness and decency, knowledge (book learning and direct personal experience), faith in God.
• Kshatriyas (soldiers): valor, spiritedness, constancy, resourceful- ness, courage, compassion, a giving nature, leadership.
• Vaishya (farmers/shopkeepers): ability to work the soil, protect the cows, and have a propensity for agriculture, animal husbandry, and conducting commerce.
• Shudra (servants): natural ability and love of serving others and re- maining humble at God’s feet.

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