The Steady Mind

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The Steady Mind

Krishna discusses the even-minded state of a wise person. He cites as an example that, the wisest people see all of life with an equal eye―from the holiest and wisest person to the vilest creature.

They see the Soul in each person. This point is often misinterpreted. Some may say, well, if all is the same (Soul), nothing matters, so I won’t do anything.

I won’t care for my physical self or others. This interpretation is incorrect and is used to justify lazy, uncaring behavior. It is a great shame to waste one’s God-given gifts by becoming inactive, by not enjoying your gifts, by not trying to make this a better world. Remember, Krishna told Arjuna to act and lovingly help others.

If a person feels they are above having to act for another because he or she has achieved total realization of Oneness, ask them then to demonstrate that they have attained an exalted state beyond mere intellectual understanding.

Ask them to walk through the wall to show that they and the wall are one. If they can not, they do not truly understand the Oneness through experience.

 If they can not, they do not truly understand the Oneness through experience

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