Detachment, Gratitude and Contentment: Keys to Living in Harmony

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Detachment, Gratitude and Contentment: Keys to Living in Harmony

There is an expression, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again. However, success should not be sought from the point of view of ego. Lord Krishna says, ‘success is in the trying’.

To prevent ego from taking over, a person must be detached and open-minded to realize when their ego is out of control and driving them to ruin.

There is another saying: when one door closes, another opens. Accept it when a door has closed and look for new doors to be opened to you. This is a basic recipe for a contented, spiritual life.

This teaching clarifies the myth some have about contentment and meditative life as an inactive life. The inaction is internal, when one’s Soul realizes it is the true non-acting self amidst daily life.

The person who is detached from getting and who is liberated from the notion of being the doer, and from receiving or earning fame and fortune, will work to help others and in this way melt away their past karma (actions).

The person who is detached from getting and who is liberated from the notion of being the doer, and from receiving or earning fame and fortune, will work to help others and in this way melt away their past karma (actions)

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