Unknown facts of Ramayana and Mahabharatha

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Unknown factu of Ramayana and Mahabharatha

The Mahabharata is a wonderful epic.  No other scripture can tell the truth that the Mahabharata does not.  The battle of Kurukshetra took place through the leelas performed by the hero of this epic, Kannan, Manivannan, to say that one should live like this and not live anyway.  By the end of the war, only 13 of the main survivors were alive.  There are so many things about this Mahabharata that not everyone knows.  Let me point you to some of them here.

1) None of the Panchapandis are monotheists

2) Yudhisthira's wives: Duropathy, and Devika.

3) Bhima's wives: Duropathy, Idumbi, and Valam Tara.

4) Arjuna's wives: Duropati, Ulupi, Chitrangada, and Subatra.

5) Nakula's wives are Duropathy, and Karenumathi.

6) Sakadevan's wives were Duropathy, and Vijaya.  There are those who say that he has 7 wives.

7) He married Lakshmana, the daughter of Krishna's son Samba Duryodhana.  Krishna and Duryodhana are related.

8) The total death toll in the Mahabharata war is said to be over 38 lakhs.

9) Bishmar is estimated to have been 176 at the time of the Crusades.

10) Karna was 106 years old at the time of the Crusades.

11) Yudhisthira is 90 years old.

12) Beaman and Duryodhana age 89.

13) Krishnan and Arjuna are 88 years old.

14) Nakulan and Sakadevan are 87 years old.

Now let us look at the Ramayana.

1) In the Ramayana, people like Hanuman Wali Sukrivan were portrayed as monkeys in TV serials! This is not correct !.  Their name is Vanaram and it should be seen as Vana and Nara.  Forest means forest nerve means man.  Then ape means wild man.  Not the monkey.

2) The Ramayana war is over.  Ravana is on the verge of death.  Rama knows that Ravana is a great sage.  Desiring that his wisdom should be shared before he dies, he calls Lakshmana and says, "You should go to Ravana and share his wisdom."  Lakshmanan goes to the door of Ravana on the verge of death and asks him to "share your wisdom".  He turns his head.  Now Lakshmanan comes to Rama and says "Ravana still has the arrogance he had then and he does not want to share".  Rama immediately goes to Ravana's feet, falls down, bows and asks, "Share your wisdom."  Awakened, Ravana says, "I want to tell you one thing. Listen."

Ravana says, "If any act of man harms him, or good does not happen to him, man wants to do the same! For example, I can say that Sita was robbed. What is good!  Says and dies

Rama becomes a water mausoleum in the river Sarayu.

The Valmiki Ramayana has 24 thousand verses.  If you take the first letter of every thousandth syllable and place one on top of the other, you will come across 24 letters of the Gayatri mantra that begin with the powerful Om Pur Puva Suva in the mantras.

Sri Lanka sees the Ramayana differently.  Surpanagai is mesmerized by Raman's beauty and wants to marry him.  Lalchuman cuts off her nose and throws up.  If someone cuts off your sister's nose!  Doesn't the brother get angry ?.  Ravana was angry that is why he kidnapped Sita and they will say that it is not wrong.

One last thing they will say is that before Raman invades Sri Lanka he decides to set up a Shiva lingam in Rameswaram and worship it and then go to Sri Lanka.  But there is no pundit to perform that puja.  Then Rama Hanuman went to Sri Lanka and the great scholar, Vedic scholar, Ravana came here and said, "Tell me that I asked you to perform this puja."  Hanuman goes to Sri Lanka and tells Ravana to do the same and he generously agrees to come to Rameswaram and perform puja.

Rameswaram comes and sees the arrangements for the puja.  After watching, he says to Ram, "Everything is fine, but married you can not do this puja alone. Your wife must be with you."

Rama tells Ravana with a grin.  "You are the great scholar! You have to tell yourself the alternative."  Immediately Ravana defends his pundit dharma and says, "Well, I will make Sita come here. I will take her away after the puja is over."

When Sita arrives, the puja is performed under the supervision of Pandit Ravana.  Ravana, who was well educated at the time, says, "Vijayi Pawa."  This means that success is yours and we all know what happened behind this ..

"  This means that success is yours and we all know what happened behind this

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