Lord is more in search of our hearts ....

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Lord is more in search of our hearts ….

This divine pastime of  Swamy Parasara Bhattar the illustrious acharyar   reflects about Lord’s   concern for  him .  Bhattar was five years old and was showing signs of extraordinary intelligence for his age .His father Kooresa was once reciting the divine pasuram from Nammazhars Thiruvamozhi.

In this pasuram Azhwar quotes about the great  devotee saints . In the third verse the description runs as Siru-mam-manisar… .They the great saints  are small -and -great.

Bhattar who was attentively hearing the pasuram with eagerness asked his father !

Father !!   How can a thing be both small and great ? at one and same time?

Kooresa  amused with his innocent question  said !

What an unexpected question from you  my child ?

It is tough to explain …However let me try to explain ..

He continued, My dear  Child  … Do you see our revered Acharyars ..Siriya Achan , Emberumannar and others.They are small in stature but very great in knowledge and wisdom. See how contradictory things like small and great can yet be harmonically combined in one and the same thing.

Bhattar understood  the content  from the comparision …

Lord Ranganathar and Mother Ranganayaki were the adoptive parents of Bhattar. Bhattar used to treat them as parents. As he grew up he was taught to adore the LORD and pray .

Once Bhattar joined his friends  inside the Srirangam Temple sanctorium .  Lordships were in their retiring moments after all the bustle of the day’s worship  had subsided.

Lord in feigned anger called Bhattar ..

Bhattar obeyed ..

Lord asked him  My child !!  …Why is that you are not coming here frequently inside  as you used to do before ?

Bhattar politely  replied ..  As you are LORD of the Universe I must not disturb your precious time ..

Lord  again asked   OK then ………….. Why did you do it before ?

As my father and mother advised me he innocently said

Lord replied !! 

Then always think of us in this relation only ..

That pleases us more than the relationship of a devotee

Lord is more in search of our hearts than our mortal body …

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