Panchalogam secret

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Panchalogam secret

If the Panchaloga Lingam is at home, it will be full of miraculous powers .. !!!

The subtle secrets of the panchalogalingam

The subtle secrets of the five metals (Panchaloka) ....

Panchalokam is a combination of five metals such as gold, silver, copper, iron and lead.

Our ancestors made Panchaloka idols, anointed them, ate their offerings and gave metal power to the body ...!

The scientific secret of the five metals .. !**********************************

If you look at it scientifically,

Gold to get the energy of Jupiter,

Iron to get the energy of Saturn,

And Venus (Venus) to receive the energy of the planet,

And copper to obtain the energy of the solar planet,

And lead to obtain the energy of the planet Kethu

People wear it as their outfit ...

We know from the science of astrology that the radiation of the planets determines the nature of man and his condition.

The subtle secret of the five metals

Wearing this metal called gold can send man’s thoughts to the universe.

That is, at that time people would wear gold and go to the temple and express their wishes to God.

This is why God puts gold jewelry on idols, which is also a scientific method.

In Tantra Yoga, idols of God are called the gateway to the universe.

Silver was also used to send counting waves, but not much because its amplitude is lower than that of gold.

It has the power to control the sensory waves of monitors ...

Its subtlety helps to keep the Kundalini (Divine Serpent Power) in mind.

Note that Kundalini is not brought up ..

Its moderate warmth can energize life,

Strengthens the prana zone around the human body and increases the activity of the brain ...

This metal is mostly negative. However, if it was used for a good cause in those days, a woman would be told to carry these pieces of iron to avoid being approached by negative forces (demons) when she went out.

The secret is in the proverb: "When thunder strikes, put iron in the yard."

The benefits are only available if you keep this particular iron.  But, in the village, some take out the ordinary iron. But here we have the benefit of mixing with other metal.

Everyone says that this is the most dangerous metal for the body.  The advantage of this is that there is no danger of it being with other metal in the panchalogam, its radiation stimulates the spiritual thinking of man. It protects the life of man from being wasted ...

The Tamils ​​and the Siddhars discovered that this idol was beneficial to man and made it into an ornament. It is one of the scientific methods of the Tamils ​​...

The most important thing here is that when the sun shines in this world, its power is immense.

If the Panchaloga Lingam is at home, it will be full of miraculous powers.

If the Panchaloga Lingam is at home, it will be full of miraculous powers

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