Qualities of a Self Realized Person

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Qualities of a Self Realized Person

Krishna has clearly laid out different paths to Self-Realization for different people (depending on their innate nature or gunas). He now explains the qualities of a Self-Realized person.

They are insightful, understanding, self-disciplined, masters of the senses (not a slave to them); have strong-healthy wills; live to serve others (selfless though not subservient); are not interested in person- al gains; and have no likes or dislikes (is without personal aversions or desires).

They enjoy solitude, modest diet, and speech, living in a meditative state, and being dispassionate. Such a person is without pride, violence, arrogance, lust, wrath, possession (no sense of ‘I’ or ‘mine’), and is at peace with themselves.

They are serene, neither desiring nor grieving, wholly devoted to God, knowing God, taking refuge in God, surrendering all thoughts and feelings to God, seeing God as the highest goal, ever devoted to God, having God ever-fixed in their hearts and minds. [Verse 50–58]

This is basically a repetition of all that has been stated throughout the Bhagavad Gita. Living moderately, modestly, eating Ayurvedic/ sattwic diet, and serving others with mind and heart fixed on God.

Now Lord Krishna applies the qualities of a saint to Arjuna’s current situation. He says, Arjuna, by your saying, “I will not fight,” you tell me that your ego overrides your protector/warrior nature. Bound by your own karma (pre-determined actions to be lived out in this life) and gunas (nature), your duty compels you to fight. So rather than fight against your nature to protect others, devote all of your actions to God, be detached (having no desires or aversions), keep an even, peaceful mind, and act to prevent a genocide. A mo- tiveless life dedicated to God releases one from bondage. In other words, it melts the wall of ego between the person and God; it unites the two Divine lovers (God and you). Nothing in this life is higher. This is the essence of the teaching. [Verse 59–60]

Those who live by this teaching will know the intimacy of God’s love. But it is not just to be studied and practiced without under- standing (direct experience), feeling, or compassion. [Verse 71–72]

After hearing this discourse, Arjuna awakens to the truth, the delu- sion of his mind dispelled. The teller of the story now also notes that he, too, reciting this story continually grows in bliss, growing ever closer to God. [Verse 73–78]

Even if a person merely listens to this with full faith and without malice, they too become liberated and reach the sacred region of those of virtuous deeds. [71]

O Arjuna, have you heard this with rapt attention? O Dhananjaya, are your illu- sions and ignorance now dispelled? [72]

Arjuna said:
O Krishna, by your grace, my illusion is dispelled and realization is restored. I am stable and my doubts are cleared. I shall follow your advice. [73]

Sanjaya said:
Thus I have heard this wonderful, electrifying conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna. [74]

By the grace of Vyasa I have heard this supreme secret wisdom of merging indi- vidual Soul with universal Soul directly from Lord Krishna. [75]

O King, I repeatedly recollect this wonderful and holy conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna. I rejoice again and again. [76]

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