Is there a rebirth or not? Who gave birth to what? ...

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Is there a rebirth or not?  Who gave birth to what? ... See what the Garuda Purana says ...

It has always been a challenge to answer the question of where Anuma goes after the death of man.  In this collection you can see what the Garuda Purana says about many interesting things about it.
It has always been a challenge to answer the question of where Anuma goes after the death of man.  In this collection you can see what the Garuda Purana says about many interesting things about it.

Is there rebirth?  Isn't it

Vaikunda Ekadasi is just over.  You may ask if there is such a suspicion within it.  ஆமாங்க.  What is salvation?  That’s the state of not being born again.  When we talk about salvation, we must also talk about rebirth.  Here is an explanation of what the Garuda Purana says about reincarnation.

There are various opinions around the world about reincarnation as reincarnation does not exist and does not exist.  But there are some things that are very clearly mentioned in the Garuda Purana.  Knowing that will clear up all the confusion about reincarnation.

The Garuda Purana speaks of whether or not all living beings in the world are reincarnated.

Garuda Purana

We must first know what the Garuda Purana is.  Lord Vishnu, the heir apparent, rode around the world in his chariot.  Then he returned with Garu as his vehicle and looked at Vishnu and asked a question.

Great!  He asked what would happen after the death of human beings.  Garuda Purana is the answer given by Lord Vishnu to the question of that Garuda.

What does it say?

The answer given by Lord Vishnu to the question of Garuda, his vehicle, is what we know to be the Garuda Purana.  So do you know what Vishnu has said in that Garuda Purana?

In the Garuda Purana, after the death of a human being, the living being separated from their body, where it goes, what it does, things like heaven and hell, who will go to heaven and who will go to hell are explained.

The secret of rebirth

We have heard that change is immutable.  We often use this for all things.  As such, it can be applied to this reincarnation as well.  Yes.  Change does not change itself.  That applies here as well.

The life that separates from their body after the death of man, is to know where else to go.

Fear of death

It is enough to realize that this change is taking place, to realize that there is rebirth, that the body is perishable and that the soul is something that is indestructible.  Only then can we get rid of the fear of death, which usually occurs to humans who do not realize anything.

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An incomprehensible question

OK.  The body is perishable.  The soul is immortal.  Then a lot of people have the question of why the immortal soul comes and stays in the mortal body.

Just as man is born, grows and grows young and grows old, so the soul stays in the body facing change and then moves on to another body.

Cursed spirits

Usually after the death of man, the soul that leaves the body goes to another world.  Some of those departing spirits may not be able to go to another world.  That is to say, the browser will become a cursed spirit, unable to attain peace and unable to reach God.

To reach the Lord

You do not know how many kinds of suffering souls will be waiting to reach God.  Their rebirth will be in accordance with the sins and virtues of man.  The Garuda Purana tells us all about it in great detail.

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Where is he going?

Where does the life that separates from the body go in the next birth?  Therefore, everything that is born and where it is born will be determined according to the sinful deeds done by him.  It can only be felt by God.  It was Ema Thurman who determined such a rebirth.

  It was Ema Thurman who determined such a rebirth

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