There is no shame

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There is no shame then in admitting mistakes (falling off the sattwic path).

Be aware to not judge others according to how much sattwa you feel appears in their life. Also it would be useful not to focus only on one’s crown chakra (spiritual energy center) and ignore the baser chakras; the implication being that the person does not need to work on ‘lower evolved’ levels, or that if they work solely on the highest level, the foundations will automatically cleanse.

This is a pretense or illusion; it is a form of rajasic or tamasic thought. As the goal of life is to go beyond all three gunas (even sattwa), it is best to not let the intellect dwell on or make judgments about gunas in your life or in other people’s lives.

Therefore, it is suggested here to think of the gunas in the following manner. Anything that brings a sense of wonder, a feeling of purity, a simpleness of thought, lightness, innocence, a sense of inner joy for no apparent reason, or a feeling of becoming more childlike, is something beneficial to try to develop in one’s life.

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