Online classes........

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Online classes........
A kind request to the parents ...

Students are compelled to continue studying in online classes in the event that no report is released for the opening of a school yet in the field of schooling.
However we need to know a little about the extent to which this is a pros and cons for students.

An online class can create a favorable environment for children without interrupting their education but their cerebral nerves are likely to have a slightly adverse effect.

Our ears have a system called the vestibular system, which regulates the balance of the body and the head.  This system communicates to the brain every second the connection between our body and the head and the force of gravity. The announcements from both ears must be in balance.
Radiation from cell phones can affect neurons in the brain, which can lead to headaches in children.

Some steps parents should follow to avoid this:

• Avoid giving cell phones to children to go to online class at certain times. We need to talk to the children after the online class and get to know their mood.
  • The reason is that children who regularly attend online classes are more likely to experience stress.
  • The brain nerve glands of children who are constantly on the phone, functioning in the same way as the brain nerves of a person addicted to alcohol, tobacco, smoking, etc. ...

Therefore unknowingly children are suffering from depression.
   • So to fix this we need to fix it by not letting the kids go to class after class and letting them browse a bit outside in a safe way to keep them talking naturally with us for a while and keep them physically active.

The amount of brain activity the body needs to be active so that children can engage in active color games throughout the body. Only then will the blood flow, ventilation, and heat flow run uniformly throughout the body. In this way, the nerves of the brain become active again.

Education is important. Aren't the mental and physical health of children more important to us?

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