Santhokya Upanishad

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Santhokya Upanishad:

Knowing Brahma
By Ranjani Basu

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, a mother and boy lived in a simple hut.  The boy's name is Satyakaman (truth seeker).  Satyakaman's primary desire is to attain a good guru and to know Brahma through him.

He went to his mother Jabala and told her his wish.  The father's family name must be known if he is to become a disciple.  So, Satyakaman asked for his family name.

“Precious wealth!  I do not know your family name, ”said Jabala.

"Then what do I say to the Guru?"

"Tell your teacher exactly what I told you," said the mother.

With his mother's blessings, Satyakaman left the house.  Reached Gautama who had set up an ashram on the edge of the forest.  Fell down and worshiped him.  “Will you accept me as a disciple?  I want to know Brahma with your blessings. ”  "What family do you belong to?"  Gautama asked.

“My mother’s name is Jabala.  My name is Satyakaman.  I know nothing about my father’s family.  I am Satyagama Jabalan. ”

Gautam was happy to think that the boy's mother had taught him to speak the truth.  "Only someone from a better family can speak so honestly about himself. I accept you as my disciple."

Cows given by Gautama

Gautama first taught him meditation.  With a calm mind, Satyakaman achieved his inner experience.  It was like a vast ocean of silence.  Gautama then took Satyakamana to a place where hundreds of cows were grazing.  From that, he separated 400 emaciated cows.  He also gave some bulls.

“Take these cows to another part of the forest.  Take care of these.  Come back after these have multiplied by a thousand. ”

Without any question, Satyakaman, the grammar of the mission, drove 400 cows to another part of the forest.  Satyakaman first felt lonely when he got there.  He was everything in the forest.  He sang fondly to the cows.  Gradually he began to enjoy the wildlife happily.  The cows grazed the grass well;  Drank pure water.

Many years passed.  Satyakaman's days began in meditation and ended in meditation.  His mind became more and more calm.  Satyakaman came of age.  The herd of cows began to grow.  He was so self-sufficient that he did not notice the passage of time or the increase in the number of cows.  A profound change was taking place in Satyakaman.  He was beginning to feel self.  His mind calmed down.  The heart is full of love.  The face lit up.

Satyakaman did not feel alone.  Every creature joined his family.  He remembered what his mother had taught him.  "This world is my family" (Vasuthaiva family).  He thought, "All the beauty around is part of Brahma."  "Everything that grows and grows is part of the great whole."  He felt himself to be a part of the eternal cycle.

The bull that called Satyakamana

One day, a bull in a herd of cows called him.  The bull said, "We have now become 1000 cows."

“Please tell!”  Said Satyakaman.

“Brahma shines from east to west, and from north to south.  Because, Brahma is everywhere.  It is universal.  This is the foot part of Brahma.  Fire and Agni will teach you more about Brahma. ”

Satyakaman drove the cows towards the ashram.  The evening was approaching;  The fire started.  He sat on the west side of the fire and looked east.  He saw a dark sky full of stars.  After a while, Agni spoke about the nature of Brahma.

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