Penalties and Penalties

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Penalties and Penalties:

A king who commits the same crime should be fined 1000 times more than the fine imposed on a simple person for a crime.  This is the undeniable law.  (8.336)

As well as the following levels of liability for theft, they are eight times for a Sutra, sixteen times for a Vaishya, thirty-two times for a Kshatriya and sixty-four times for a Brahmin.  (8.338)

For injuring any tree, the offender should be fined at the rate used for the tree.  (8.285)

We will be blessed by visiting the ancient Indian temples which are over a thousand years old

If the driver of a vehicle causes damage to a person, animal or other property, the owner of the vehicle must be punished as well.  Exceptions should be made for accidents or mishap in the same vehicle.

The owner must be fined 200 times if the accident occurs due to the driver's disability.  If the driver is the same trained, the driver will be fined 100 times. (8.293-294)


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