Reward to selfless service

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Reward to selfless service

When a person acts to help others without personal reward, there are often many rewards: peace, wealth and bliss. Some might ask, ‘if I choose to not look out for my personal needs, what if I wind up deceived, alone, and penniless? Only deceit yields deceit (as you sow, so shall you reap/karma). Moreover, if a person is sincerely helping God’s children, why would God punish that person for such work?

Thus, to be unattached to anything, that is, to be unconcerned about the rewards that may come from doing good, describes a selfless, unselfish person―a yogi or a mental sannyasi. The way to raise oneself up in this manner is through the Soul (atman). The more a person is aware of their Soul, the more guidance they will find in life.

A person who acts selflessly does not care about fame or dishonor, wealth or poverty, pleasure or pain. They act in the name of the Soul (the Eternal) and let others say and judge as they will. That person knows who they are and why they act. Such a person sees God in all people―friend or enemy.

This realization is achieved through persistent meditation and by focusing the mind’s heart on God. This is called satsang or being in the presence of holy people (including God). Gradually, this constant exposure transform’s one’s body, mind, emotions, intellect, senses and subtle body in tune with God.

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