Agathiyar Karmakandam

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Agathiyar Karmakandam

The gates of life leaving this body.

Agathiyar explains in his book Karma Kandam that life separates through the respective gates according to the Baba Punniyam he has done.

◾️The guilt separates the sinner through the stool door with the stool.

These are the ones who go straight to hell and take the rebirth day but there is no good birth.

◾️Those who sin will die through the water.

These lives revolve around lust in rebirth.

◾️Lives committed with a lot of sin and less piety will be separated through the navel.

These lives are born reborn as suffering, sick, and crippled.

◾️The lives of those who have sinned equally will be parted through the mouth.

These will be born again as food lovers and food lovers.

◾️Lives separated by left and right nostrils are more sinless lives.

These will love the fragrance in rebirth.

◾️Lives separated through the left and right ears are very slightly sinful lives.

These will be born questionable in rebirth.  Trying to find salvation.

◾️The lives that split through the left and right eyes are the most blessed lives.

These will receive education, wealth, etc. in rebirth and live with elevation. These too will seek salvation.

Live in fear of revenge sin.  Kurupakti lives with devotion to God.

The living beings in the Sivayoga system, after consuming the lustful karmas with the body given to them, raise the prana through the spinal cord with the help of the yoga practice that has been practiced for a long time, open the Brahmanical path and pass through the skull to the apex gate.

The life that went on like that will never be born again.

√ From the book Agathiyar Karma Kandam.

√ From the book Agathiyar Karma Kandam

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