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The wisdom field comprises the following positive qualities: humility; forgiveness; simplicity; service to a spiritual teacher; purity; steadfastness; self-control; not harming others in action, word, or thought; and not being ostentatious.

Renouncing the sense objects and having ego in balance, being aware of the relative (non-eternal) nature of birth, death, old age, disease, and pain; not being attached to the relative life of self, spouse, children, home, fame, fortune, but being attached only to the eternal Soul or God; being equal-minded in the beneficial and non-beneficial life that comes to you.

Having one-pointed or unwavering devotion to God, preference for seclusion, distaste for large groups of people, and realizing the essence of Truth.

Having one-pointed or unwavering devotion to God, preference for seclusion, distaste for large groups of people, and realizing the essence of Truth

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