Vision of the Wise

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Vision of the Wise

People who realize that even while acting (involving the movement of mind, body, senses), the Soul remains still — eternal. The sages recognize wisdom in a person who realizes this — for such wise people have had the fire of wisdom burn away the illusion that the Soul (the true person) is acting. These people have gone through their trials by fire.

By not caring for reward and helping others merely to help, one becomes content and self-sufficient (ie, never needing to depend on others to feel contentment or happiness) Acting to help, knowing the Soul is not doing anything; thus, taking credit or pride in the action is not possible.

A parent, for example, loves their child and tries to guide them to live their life while growing into adulthood. A wise parent would allow the child to find themselves by trial and error, and once the child knows what truly brings them a sense of fulfillment and life purpose, lovingly encourage them on their path.
Now, a parent who is not yet wise, a parent who themselves has not found fulfillment or purpose in life, may try to manipulate the child to live out the parent’s unfulfilled dreams. The parent may push the children for success so they will take care of the parent. Or a par- ent may be overly attached and co-dependent on the child to allow them to find themselves or learn through trial and error. All these are examples of caring for the results of one’s actions, and being unable to be detached from a situation.

Krishna says that a person can be freed from longing for something, since people are already everything (ie, the eternal omnipresent); one automatically has the ability of self-control. There is no notion of ownership or possession, because every object and person are a part of the eternal ‘is-ness.’ Things and people just are. Thus, money exists; it is neither yours nor mine, it is a part of the eternal whole. The Soul does not gain from fame or money, and it is not lessened without them.

 The Soul does not gain from fame or money, and it is not lessened without them

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