Actions, Inaction and Detachment

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Actions, Inaction and Detachment:

Actions do not affect the eternal, nonmoving, non-object, absolute form of Krishna, nor does He desire any re- wards of action such as wealth, fame, or power. Those who know this by experience also are not bound by action. Thus, wise persons act to help others without seeking a reward for their help.

Now there is a subtler form of attachment and action. There are those who begin by helping others, but later may start to crave the honor they receive from helping others rather than just helping others without their knowing you have helped. So true detachment from action — action without desiring a reward — is difficult to achieve.

The notions of action and inaction are difficult to understand even for wise people. Krishna distinguishes the difference between actions to become free from those which enslaves the mind, body, and Soul. He says there is Right action, Unlawful action, and Inaction.

 He says there is Right action, Unlawful action, and Inaction

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