Giving has various levels

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Lord Krishna examines the notion of how it is better to give than to receive. Giving has various levels: it might relate to giving time, material possessions, or love.

On an intimate level, it would mean saying a prayer over your food (giving thanks to God for the food) and offering all things you own to God, before using them to help humanity. It can mean giving all your ownership of all things, feelings and thoughts to God as well.

The idea of human ownership is said to be fictitious, since it is God who gives all things to people. Offering or giving requires relinquishing the ego’s notion of ownership of things. When a person has no particular desire to own something (or someone), their desires become spiritual desires, for example, the desire to help humanity.

So without holding on to the objects or feelings, they are given freely in a positive, helpful spirit.

So without holding on to the objects or feelings, they are given freely in a positive, helpful spirit

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