Lust, anger, and greed are the three Soul-destroying gates of hell.

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Lust, anger, and greed are the three Soul-destroying gates of hell.

Thus, these three qualities are to be avoided as best as possible.

A person who is free from these three dark gates, and who tries to develop their Divine qualities, will find their eternal loving God. So scriptures can help inspire a person to develop their Divine (ideal) behavior.

With this understanding of ethical behavior, a person is to apply these principles in their daily life. [Verse 21–24]

In Chapter 2 (Verse 62–63), Krishna explained how much trouble anger can cause. Attachment to objects causes longing for the ob- ject, and unfulfilled desires causes anger. From anger comes delusion, which births the loss of memory, which in turn ruins discrimi- nation (the topic of this chapter). With the loss of discrimination a person perishes.

In Chapter 3 (Verse 37), Krishna said that desire is anger; it is born from rajas guna. It is a craving that can never be satisfied, thus causing a person the greatest danger for they can never find peace or Divine love. Anger is the foe in this world.

 Anger is the foe in this world

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