Mind management

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Mind management

Counseling and self-counseling approaches taught by the Rishis and Rajaguru are based essentially on the following seventeen principles. Anyone who can understand and master these principles can make the most of it. These are:

1. You are neither the Body nor the Mind.

2. Brain is an integral part of the Body.

3. The body is tangible. The mind is not.

4. Ailments of the body can be cured by medications, but not the ailments of the mind.

5. While the mind stems from the brain and dies with it, the mind is not the brain.

6. When the mind is calm, the body is healthy. But when a mind is disturbed even a healthy body becomes infested with diseases.

7. Emotions come from the mind, whereas thoughts are driven by intellect.

8. Relationships are made possible only by the mind.

9. Mind when accepts something as a fact or fiction, it becomes a perspective.

10. When a perspective is held on to for a long time by a mind as a fact or fiction it becomes an obsession.

11. The mind is incapable of adapting to change, naturally. Fear is nothing but an inability of mind’s willingness to change.

12. All the problems that are identified with the mind can only be resolved by the mind.

13. What brings a sense of happiness to the mind end up bringing pain to it, eventually.

14. The mind is naturally incapable of contentment.

15. Most often problems perceived by the mind is owing to the inability of the mind to achieve calm.

16. The only way to achieve peace in life is by having a calm mind. And the only way to achieve a calm mind is by realizing your conscious true self to overwhelm it.

17. Our own true conscious self is always in bliss – the happiness and sadness only pertain to mind.

 Our own true conscious self is always in bliss – the happiness and sadness only pertain to mind

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