Withdraw your senses

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Withdraw your senses

To withdraw the senses and walk the Path of Wisdom try to incorporate these harmonious thoughts, words and actions into your daily life:

1. Follow your ayurvedic food plan.
2. Follow your ayurvedic lifestyle plan.
3. Follow your dharma (do what you love to do in life)
4. Pray each day to follow ahimsa (not hurt yourself or others in action, words, or thoughts)
5. Help people and give to the earth.
6. Find a win-win solution to each situation.
7. Have more questions than answers.
8. Lead by example.
9. Give more than you receive.
10. Make decisions that are good for the long term, especially if they are choices that will remain wise for the next seven generations.
11. Take walks, as many days as possible per week, and appreciate the nature around you.
12. Note the harmony when it is there and appreciate it; cultivate it when it isn’t there. Use Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui in your home and office to enhance the harmony.
13. Try yoga or Tai Chi.
14. Spend some time in nature (woods, water, desert, a park or your garden) each week.
15. Take time each week to play music or listen to music, or involve/expose to the arts (for example, poetry, dance, sculpting, painting)
16. Each day, leave some space in your life for God to fill.
17. Talk to God each day, even if for a few minutes. Share your feelings, questions, and ask for guidance to grow closer and feel the palpable love of God.

 Share your feelings, questions, and ask for guidance to grow closer and feel the palpable love of God

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