From the world to Brahma

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From the world to Brahma

We see with the naked eye.  The eye is the sense.  This is one of the senses.

The senses are also caused by pride.  The senses are tools of arrogance.  The senses evaporate when Thavasi meditates blindfolded.  The mind awakens when the senses accumulate and disintegrate.  When the senses are exhausted, the mind will function unconsciously by itself.

Seeing when the eye is closed.

Even if the ear is closed, it will be heard.

Feel the touch even if not touched.

You can smell it even if you don't smell it.

Taste is visible even if it does not taste good.

The awakened mind will go above and beyond.  There is Atma Manomaya Purushan in the mind.  The soul of the pure mind is liberated from the mind.  Rising and rising.  The ascending soul belongs to know Brahma.

The mind is partial.  Dividing tool.  Brahma is complete.  The partial mind cannot see the complete Brahma.  An aspect of Brahma, or an image, is known only as an origin.  If the mind tries to see Brahma in such a way, Brahma will be seen as fertile.

• Sacchitanandam is seen as an aspect of Brahma for the vision of the partial mind.
• Brahma is not fertile.
• Saccitanandam is an origin of Brahma.
• The vision of the mind is only a part of the three aspects of Sacchitanandam, namely Sattu, Siddhu and Anandam.
• If the Rishis who see that see Sattva, then Sath is the whole Sacitanandam without considering it as an aspect of Sacitananda.

Similarly, those who see only Siddha and those who see only bliss are called complete Sacitanandam.  The mind can only function like this.

Sat will manifest himself according to the rise of meditation.
• Sat stands for Self in English.
• There are 4 levels to this Self.
• First Level Last Level Transcendent Self.
• Next is the Superconscious Self called Paramatma.
• Next is the Cosmic Self, the soul of the universe.
• The last is the Immutable Self called Akshara Purushan.

He refers to the past as Self and the universe as Soul.  According to the state of meditation, Sat Purushan manifests himself in penance.  He refers to the Brahman in man as the self.  The word that embraces everything from the human self to the past self is called spirit, soul.

Eeswaran is also a good example of how the features of Absolute Sacchitananda can be seen as partial and opposite to the partial mind.

Eeswaran is fully visible from the real life point of view.  It has both auspiciousness and auspiciousness.  Seen from the divine mind, on the one hand it appears absurd and on the other hand auspicious.

  Seen from the divine mind, on the one hand it appears absurd and on the other hand auspicious

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