Divine and Demonic Traits

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Divine and Demonic Traits

Lord Krishna lists the Divine qualities as:

• Fearlessness
• Pure hearted
• Scripture study
• Charitable
• Sense control
• Sacrifice
• Modest
• Austerity Gentle
• Non-harming Truthfulness Lacking anger Renunciation Peace
• Not slander
• Compassion
• Not coveting Steadfast in spiritual union
• Vigor Forgiveness Fortitude Purity
• Not hateful Not prideful Not fickle
• Simplicity

Lord Krishna lists ‘demonic’ qualities as:

• Ostentatious Arrogant Deluded
• Untruth Prideful Greedy
• Unable to tell right from wrong
• Conceited Angry Impure Vain Lustful Egotistic
• Cruel Ignorant Poor conduct
• Hypocritical Miserly Insolent

Divine qualities lead to liberation, while demonic qualities cause further bondage.

The word demonic may be difficult to comprehend and may be substituted with the words cruel or wicked.

One of the demonic qualities discussed by Krishna [Verse 7–8] is a lack of belief in God as creator. Yet it would be a mistake to translate this literally as meaning that all atheists or agnostics are demonic in nature.
Rather, it is whether a person has a predominance of nurturing or harsh qualities that defines the behavior. There are many people who don’t believe in God because they see the hypocritical commercialization in the name of God, or see people, businesses, or governments using God’s name and then bilk people out of money, land, or rights. Others do not believe in a God who has human characteristics. Still others have their own reasons. Rather than ‘live a lie in a religion’, these people choose to live in what they feel is honest truth. Their motives are pure and good. They too can easily realize more of who they really are (God, Soul, or nature/energy).

Krishna says that people with demonic qualities are enemies of the world, bent on its destruction. They have insatiable desires [Verse 1–10].

They think sensual enjoyment is the highest feeling, exhibiting baseless hopefulness and hoarding wealth through unjust means.

They feel a false sense of grandeur; they believe they are all-powerful and superior others.

These people perform sacrifices in name only and not in a positive spirit.

They hate God within themselves and all others. These people could be said to have cruel or demonic possession.

Yet, there are many leaders, rulers, and dictators who fit this description and they sometimes feel they are doing God’s work. However, they often do not lead the lives they profess to believe in.

There are countless examples of rulers proclaiming a strict spiritual life, abstaining from worldly things such as alcohol, television, techno gadgets, physical relations, and wealth, but who are heavily involved in one or more of these self-proclaimed vices. It is often difficult to walk the straight and narrow when one has power.

Lust, anger, and greed are the three Soul-destroying gates of hell. Thus, these three qualities are to be avoided as best as possible. A person who is free from these three dark gates, and who tries to develop their Divine qualities, will find their eternal loving God. So scriptures can help inspire a person to develop their Divine (ideal) behavior. With this understanding of ethical behavior, a person is to apply these principles in their daily life. [Verse 21–24]

In Chapter 2 (Verse 62–63), Krishna explained how much trouble anger can cause. Attachment to objects causes longing for the ob- ject, and unfulfilled desires causes anger. From anger comes delusion, which births the loss of memory, which in turn ruins discrimi- nation (the topic of this chapter). With the loss of discrimination a person perishes.

In Chapter 3 (Verse 37), Krishna said that desire is anger; it is born from rajas guna. It is a craving that can never be satisfied, thus causing a person the greatest danger for they can never find peace or Divine love. Anger is the foe in this world.

 Anger is the foe in this world

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