How To Become a Sincere Person:

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How To Become a Sincere Person:

A sincere person, realizing the value and power of self-regulation will gladly turn their attention inward and not look to find fault in another person.

There is a saying,

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones

While a similar scriptural saying is
Judge not, lest ye shall be judged

All these maxims relate to the admonition of Lord Krishna that we must work on ourselves to become better people day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, and second by second―always living in the present. It is a gift that allows us to never become bored, because there is always something we can do to improve ourselves, always some more Divine experience we can open ourselves up to, and always some greater Divine bliss we can feel, live, and be grateful for.

Positive transformation can come from something as simple as learning to play a music instrument, organic gardening, or learn- ing that you always wanted to learn but never found the time until now. Finding ways to express your inner joyful God-gifts relates to simple, mundane, natural pastimes. It also is developed through meditation, and service to others and the environment.

Disharmonious thoughts are like critters in a video game that pop their heads up out of holes in the ground. Prayer for harmonious thoughts to predominate is like a person stepping to avoid the holes, and choosing to stand in a place where they will be safe. So it is in one’s best interest to pray to be the best person possible. Pray ‘Thy will be done’ (not my will); pray to make this the best day possible, letting God determine what is ‘best’ for us at any given moment. Have no agenda, no outward goal other than to do the best you can with the day God unfolds for you.

When you feel trapped, cry out to God: help me, I am stuck, I am trapped, I am angry, please release me from this; let me come back to your beloved lap. Such sincere and innocent (non ego) behavior quickly reaches God’s ears.
Sometimes, however, an answer does not come. At those times, it is helpful to admit you are stuck experiencing your discordant trait and praying to know what you are to learn from the situation.

So we have seen Krishna clarifying the distinction between Divine and demonic personality traits. And we have discussed briefly how to keep working in the direction of developing the Divine traits and how to untie oneself from the demonic qualities through prayer.

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