Navratri Worship

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Navratri Worship:

Those who fast on Navratri during Navratri should eat only once in those nine days and observe fasting.

Those who fast on Navratri can bring married women to their home and use them as a parasakti and place them near the kolu and worship them and give them things like turmeric, saffron, silk, coin and tambulam.

On the 8th day of Navratri, children between the ages of 2 and 10 can be brought home and delighted by giving them potions, bangles, food, sweets and clothes as an aspect of motherhood.

 On the 8th day of Navratri, children between the ages of 2 and 10 can be brought home and delighted by giving them potions, bangles, food, sweets and clothes as an aspect of motherhood

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