Frenchie 107

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Chess was cooking breakfast and I just couldn't stop staring at her, like this was my little sister... even though I'm a couple of years older than her I still remember the day she was brought home from the hospital. I remember showing up to her school and yoking up this dude who called her a 'black bitch' and I remember crying when I found out she wasn't a virgin... I know it seems crazy but I was extremely protective over 'my baby' so the fact that she had slit a man's throat and didn't seem the least bit bothered by it disturbed me. I've killed people, I wasn't saying that I was innocent but Chess..... that's never been her personality and I just couldn't pinpoint the moment she became.... this. I didn't even know how to ask her about it because I still saw her as that fragile girl who was insecure about the color of her skin, but that was the furthest thing from the truth.... it took less than nothing to shot someone but to slit their throat, that took a different kind of crazy, it took a different type of person because you had to be up close and personal, you had to look into their soul and see the life leaving them...... My thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing and I quickly got up from the table because being around Chess made me nervous, when I got to the door Uno was standing on the other side with a bag over his shoulder.

"You know you can't stay here right?" I said as he walked in and tossed his bag in the corner. "Yo I'm serious, not only are you fuckin up what me and Micah got going on but then there's the whole situation with Chess.... and given what she did I'm not sure I can look past her killing someone in my house."

"Man it's only for a few days.... Preacher has been playing gospel music and you know how Santerìa is.... he's quiet but he's into that weird shyt and he be leaving his skulls and shyt all over the damn apartment... I'm too hood for that shyt, so I'll be staying here until Epic can get me a new place. Sup Baby Mom...." Uno said nodding to Chess who walked right past him without saying a word.

"See why you can't stay here? She'll either end up hauling off and knocking your ass out or sliting your throat in your sleep..... and I paid entirely too much for those comfort sets for y'all to be fuckin them up." I said as Uno made himself comfortable.

"She's not even mad forreal.... she's just acting like that because I look good as fuck and it's throwing her off, besides that shyt happened in high school and it's really your fault." Uno said looking at me. "Baby, can you make me a plate?" Uno said as Chess walked back through the living room. "She must've known I was coming over, why else would she be making breakfast in the middle of the day?"

"I don't believe this shyt...." I said pinching my nose and saying a silent prayer. True I was the one who forced Uno to leave Chess hanging on prom night, but what we had to do was too important, I would've thought that she'd be over it by now but apparently not.

"Wassup with Big Bro? He's been moody as fuck lately... you'd think he'd be in a good mood considering the last move we made cost that sexy lady a lot of men and money..... But Epic seems..... twitchy." Uno whispered.

"That nigga is probably craving oxtails and jerked chicken...." I said laughing at my inside joke. I knew Epic hadn't seen Alonzo since they got back from their little trip and the pressure must finally be getting to him. "We'll stop by the food truck on the way to his place, I'm sure that'll put him at ease......" I said getting up. "Ayo Chess, we're leaving...." I said pulling Uno to his feet and pushing him towards the door.

"Bye Baby Mom, save me a plate......" Uno called as I closed and locked the door behind us. "So what's Epic's endgame here?" Uno asked.

"Well Renee started this war, but I don't think he wants to kill her.... I think he wants to break her but the thing is.... Renee isn't some weak bitch..... we're in for the long haul so Epic and Yaseem are working on another plan of action. Killing her is the last option." I said as Alonzo texted me back letting me know Epic's food would be ready by the time we got there.

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