Icon 5

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I was always considered the 'bad one'; when I was little I had a habit of questioning authority, I was the class clown, the dude who stayed getting suspended for fighting, and the who got arrested when I was a teenager... maybe it was for the best though; had I been out when all that shyt was going down with my cousin Seven things might've gone differently. Since everyone always assumed I was a fuck up, I lived up to that title I caused havoc throughout the city, making a name for myself as a ruthless killer..... but I NEVER harmed Epic's wife and daughter. Sure I had my issues with both my brothers but Eileen and Elisha were innocent. I think that was the beginning of the end for us.... we were already on shaky ground but that destroyed any hopes he had a reconciliation. Epic started building his own little gang in Windsor Terrace, while me and Legend took over Hilltop..... then Legend went out of town and I fell in love with his nigga; let me rephrase that, me and Qwantay been in love, hell we were fuckin around throughout their entire relationship. But Legend caught up and we formed our own little group in Southfield; I would've preferred Brittany Hills but that whole area was off-limits because of some music producer.

"Ayy there goes that nigga Legend." Qwantay said as we made our way to my parent's house. He was completely oblivious to the danger he was in and I wanted a little payback for what happened the last time I saw him. So we pulled up next to him and I just started shooting.... I wasn't trying to kill that nigga, just scare him a little but I didn't account for Jizzle who jumped out of Legend's car and started shooting at us causing us to flee.

"If my car is fucked up I'm beating that nigga's ass." I said as we turned the corner..... I heard bullets hitting something but I was too focused on getting the hell outta dodge.

"Icon, I'll get it fixed don't worry about it......" Qwantay said grippin my thigh but I pushed his hand away, I was still pissed at that nigga for kicking me out the car last night after the incident at the club but it was hard to stay mad at that nigga for too long. "Don't start that shyt Icon.... I was drunk and you were getting on my nerves, I couldn't think straight. I wasn't planning on leaving you but your stubborn ass took off walking and I couldn't find you."

"Fuck you nigga... just make sure you're on standby, I'm not trying to be here too long. I'm just going to pop in, wait a few minutes and then leave. And don't have any niggas in my car because I'll kill you and them." I said as we pulled up to my parent's house.

"Icon, I haven't nor would I ever cheat on you, unlike your boring ass brother you're more.... versatile, you make my life more interesting." Qwantay said leaning over and kissing me. "I love you Icon, like real shyt you're my heart and I'm always going to ride for you."

"I love you too Qwan, now get your fuckin hand off my thigh because we're in front of my parent's house and we both know what it means when you do that shyt." I said trying to push his hand away but he gripped my thigh tighter. "Tonight I promise." I said appeasing him because if left up to him we'd be fuckin right now.

"Aight but.... you know what I'll let you see what I got planned." Qwantay said kissing me again and before it got too hot I got out the car because we were about to start fuckin, once he pulled off I walked up to the house as soon as I walked in the house my dad smacked me upside the head.

"MAN WHAT THE FUCK?!??!?" I said holding the back of my head because that shyt stung.

"I told you about bringing that nigga to my house, I don't like him and don't want him here. I've told you that like twenty times Icon but yo ass refuses to listen." My dad said walking off in a huff, Epic was sitting on the couch watching football with a smile on his face. I hadn't forgotten what he almost did last night and I was definitely going to get his ass back. Epic was watching the Tennesse Titans, most likely because of our cousin Dallas Hayes, I didn't particularly like Dallas, when we were younger he used to beat my ass on a regular basis just because I didn't take his bullshyt like everyone else.

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