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After giving it some thought, I feel like I should tell my side of the story... the story of what drove me and Qwantay together, I already know regardless of what I say some brunch boot bottom is still going to have a problem with it, like they ain't suckin their cousin's baby's dad's dick on the low. Before me and Qwantay started fuckin around, me and Legend were tight; sure we fought from time to time but that was my brother so it was only natural that we got tired of being around each other every now and then. When Legend first got out of the Marines he brought his new nigga with him, my first impression of Qwantay was that he was goofy ass fuck; not in a bad way but he just didn't seem like Legend's type but he was coo. At this point in time Epic wasn't fuckin with either one of us he was at war with the Lawson Brothers and he just cut us off.... he even got into a huge fight with Legend at his Welcome Home Party, Epic just.. snapped and this was before Eileen and Elisha. Anyways that party was when the first sparks started to fly between me and Legend..........

"That nigga Legend is beyond fucked up." Murda said walking over to me and my dad laughing. "I'm just trying to see which way his wind is going to blow.... you know when Legend gets this drunk there are three roads he can take; angry, horny, or emotional."

"Micah, let's not cast judgment... I seem to remember New Years when I found you passed out in my tub ass naked, then on Christmas, you had that little hoe in my man cave, or on Thanksgiving when you flipped the table at your mom's house because your dad kept throwing shots at you and Nolan."

"The funny thing is Pops... I wasn't under the influence of nothing on any of those days.... okay maybe New Years I was out of it but them other two that's how I am on a daily basis." Murda said and my dad shook his head. We all watched Legend stumble around the backyard and Eileen had to stop him from walking into the fence, I looked over at my oldest brother Epic who was sulking in the corner.

"You good bro?" I asked walking over to Epic and handing him a beer and he set it down next to him and continued to sulk. "Damn what the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked looking at him because lately he had been really moody.

"I don't know why I'm here.... I got business I need to be handling and it's clear Legend is going to be yet another person in my fuckin way. His ass should've just stayed in the Marines, now he's going to fuck up everything I got going on." Epic said standing up and unfortunately, Legend had heard what Epic had said.

"You got ssssomething to get off your chessst Epic?" Legend asked walking over to us and they stood chest to chest. "Lemme guessss you mad because I'm home? You always seem to hate it when I come back why isss that?" Legend asked slurring his words and smiling. "What you think that people fuck with me and it's going to take attention away from your arrogant ass." Legend asked and I tried to step between them but quickly got brushed aside by one of Epic's massive arms.

"My issue with you is now there's yet another idiot I gotta look after. We all know it's only a matter of time before you get involved in some shyt especially with your stupid ass friends, now GET OUT MY FACE!!!!" Epic said pushing Legend so hard that if that nigga Qwantay hadn't grabbed him I'm certain that Legend would've ended up on the other side of the fence.

"Legend chill man....." Qwantay said trying to hold him back at the same time Eileen moved to grab Epic. My mom and dad were cussing them both out and I stood there wondering what the fuck Epic's problem was because that nigga was really trippin. Then the sound of glass shattering caused Legend to jump, he reached for something on his waist and I just thanked God that he didn't have his gun. I stood there watching Legend started to panic before he stormed out of the backyard and I knew he was still fucked up in the head from all his deployments. "Legend!" Qwantay called after him.

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