Chapter 47:Memories

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Harry Pov:

"Y/n!" I called out as she walked into the Burrow. "Princess, what's wrong" Mr Lupin asked. She ignored and ran in. I ran after her and went into the kitchen. "Mrs Weasley, did you see Y/n" I asked. "No Dearie, I haven't, and Happy Birthday by the way" she replied smiling. I thanked her and went upstairs.

I heard soft sobs from one of the rooms and knocked on it. "Y/n? Are you in there" I asked. "Yea I am Harry, come in" she replied. I walked into the room as she wiped away her tears.

"I know it's a burden to be the chosen one, I felt it till now" I said sitting next to her on the floor. "It's not that Harry, it's something else" She replied. "What do you mean?"

"The chosen one is said to kill Voldemort if he ever came back, but what if I don't want to" she said sighing. "Why won't you want to kill him, he's pure evil" I replied.

"Because I knew him once Harry, and he wasn't evil" she said. "How do you know him Y/n, it must have been one of your nightmares" I replied. "No Harry, it wasn't, wait I'll show you" she said as she put her hands on my forehead.

"I'm showing you my memories, an ability I picked up on the way" she said. I closed my eyes to see a little girl, who looked a lot like Y/n, sitting on the floor in some building. "This was me, as a kid, I'm seven years old here" she said. "I was in the wool's orphanage, a place I disliked immensely" she continued.

"One of the muggle kids  had stolen a pocket watch from one of the visitors in the orphanage, and had given it to me, as a token of appreciation for defending her from one of the boys". Little Y/n took a little pocket watch out of her pocket. "Turns out it was a time-turner, I found out from the wizarding kids who had gone to Durmstrangs when they turned eleven, who came home for the holidays"

"My first dark magic attack happened when i was seven". the little Y/n I was seeing had gotten up from the floor and looked into the mirror. Her eyes had completely turned black , with a drop of blood coming out of them.

"It didn't hurt at first, I just looked at them for a while before it started". Black masses surrounded little Y/n, and she started to scream in pain. "It hurt all over. My blood seemed to feel like it had turned into acid and my head was pounding"

"I didn't want to hurt anyone so I took out the time-turner and turned it over and over again, until I went back in time, and it stopped, the pain, the black eyes".

Little Y/n had gone back in time, way back in time. The beds looked different, the and the room was part of a big hall. "I had gone back 51 years in time" 

"And that's when I met him, Tom Marvolo riddle".  "Who are you" a boy who looked around 10 asked as he came into the room.

THE SECRET CHOSEN ONE Draco x Y/n Potter Black (Slytherin) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now