18 (Updated)

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"You know this is unforgivable, but you want to apologize? Hey, Yoon Hee-gyeom."

Yoon Hee-gyeom let out a short sigh. The black eyes were not moving now. I suddenly remembered what he had said to me when I entered the room and I asked if he would serve me. He'll do it if I want. That's what it was. What sin did he do that he would sacrifice his body if my anger was relieved because of what he had done to me?

"Tell me with your mouth. What did you do to me?"


"Apologizing means you want to be forgiven, don't you? Just tell me."

Yoon Hee-gyeom's expression became mysterious. Yoon Hee-gyeom and I were looking at each other. I was pretending to remember in a situation where I had no memory. I was surprised when Yoon Hee-gyeom told me that he had given me drugs, but he had a reaction to what it was. Even now, that situation was still not over at all.

On the other hand, Yoon Hee-gyeom, who was silently confessing his fault, was now shaking. He seemed to think, "He don't remember at all, but am I saying something useless?" Yoon Hee-gyeom sighed again. Although he was kicked out of the entertainment industry for drug crimes, Yoon Hee-gyeom, who I identified, was a pretty decent man. He had to be honest in appreciation and apologise, and according to him, he did not compromise with shortcuts.

That's why Yoon Hee-gyeom confessed his crime.


There was a bit of a shivering in his voice that was ringing in my ear so it sounded unpleasant.

"...That I hugged Director Jung."

He hugged me. I can't accept such a simplified expression. No, I wouldn't be able to understand it right now, no matter what it was expressed in words. I know he wouldn't have apologized that it was unforgivable just because he had a little hug. After a leisurely moment of thought of incomprehensible words,

".....What the fuck."

I come to understand that.

I force myself to punch his handsome face.

He was smashed with my fists, his large body staggered, but did not collapse. With the back of my hand, I slapped his face, spitting out double swearing at the pain in my knuckles. I slapped his head as hard as I could with the palm of my hand. Drops of blood splattered into the air as something burst under my palm but i raised my other hand and slapped him back in the face.

But still, the anger did not go away, and I lifted my foot and kicked his stomach. As I crushed his firm abdomen under my crooked feet, he finally collapsed and fell to the floor. I kicked Yoon Hee-gyeom, who had fallen, once again. I kicked my feet over and over again. Because I couldn't stand it...!

Ugh...! I turned around and saw that Yoon Hee-gyeom is crawling on the floor. Shaking my hot, throbbing hands to cool the struggling heat.


I had no memory. I remembered being drunk and taking drugs from someone. It was only today that I found out it was Yoon Hee-gyeom, but I had no memory of sleeping with him. According to the testimonies of various peoples, I staggered and walked out on my own feet. They also said that I threw off the hands holding me and went outside.

Kim Tae-woon was waiting around. Then he said I was on the street and called him to pick me up. He said that I was nodding and seemed insane, but I was still awake until I got into the car. However, after falling asleep in the car, I did not wake up, nor did I wake up at home, so I was rushed to the hospital. Kim Tae-woon's face turned pale saying I didn't woke up for three days, thought he will have to clean up all the trash himself, and told me not to take drugs again.

My body ached when I woke up, perhaps because of the remaining after effects or because I had been in bed for too long. My back hurt, my pelvis hurt, and my legs hurt. But my arms and fingers hurt too, so I thought it was just muscle pain. There were red marks all over my body, but I just laughed thinking at what kind of bitch had done this to me.

It was a bad thing and I was taken to the hospital, and even Chairman Jung, who was generous to me his eldest grandson, was angry with me, so it was a time when I was not in the mood to gather myself up and organize the situation. I had to care about my muscle pain so I left the treatment of Yoon Hee-gyeom situation in Kim Tae-woon's hands and covered it.

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