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He rubbed his face against my palm. With his hands wrapped around mine.

Yoon Hee-gyeom slowly lifted his eyelids. A hazy gaze met mine. Yoon Hee-gyeom was staring at me with a blank face.

"...You must be very tired."

It was me who first broke the silence. It was less awkward than expected as his eyes gradually meet mine clearly due to the blurry focus of his eyes, but somehow the words popped out because I felt my stomach churning.

"....A little."

His muttering voice was low. The voice mixed with yawn somehow sent chills to my ears. That's why I felt even more surprised when Yoon Hee-gyeom's hand touched my ear. Yoon Hee-gyeom stretched out his arm and wrapped the back of my neck and rubbed it, as if he had noticed that I had stood up because of him.

Looking at me in the boundary between sleep and reality, what are you thinking? That question came across my mind. At the same time, my breathing became suffocating.

Being involved in a drug case, Yoon Hee-gyeom lost everything as an actor. No, looking at the way he lives now, it could be said that he lost everything in his life, not just the actor's life. All that was left of him was the light and a gutter-like reality. So if he knew that I was the one who organized the things up, I would have been a nightmare for Yoon Hee-gyeom. If he knew that I'm the one who had put him in hell just because I didn't like him, if he knew that it was too easy for me to do so...…..

The hand that was gently caressing the back of my neck was filled with strength and make my head bent down.  Dry lips touched mine, and the tongue licked my lower lip and he fell off again with a kissing sound.  After a short kiss, Yoon Hee-gyeom, who dropped his head onto the bed, took his hand off the back of my neck that was pulling me and instead looked at me with his shoulder lightly on my shoulder.


With.....a clueless face.


The moment he asked that question, it was a relief that spread throughout my heart.  I couldn't answer, I just nodded my head.

He only sucked on my lips for a while, but it looked like the smell or taste had been smeared on it.  Chateau Mouton, I brought a decent vintage wine, but does Yoon Hee-gyeom know what kind of wine it is? Among the data given by Kim Tae-woon, I read that Yoon Hee-gyeom enjoys drinking wine in an interview he did when he was an actor.

"....There was one rolling around in the car."

In fact, I stopped by my late parents' house and brought it, but I was embarrassed to say that I had to go home. I couldn't even play golf properly, and while I was belatedly tossing whether to go early or not, I remembered that Yoon Hee-gyeom likes wine and went back to my late parents' house, a story that Yoon Hee-gyeom didn't need to know.

"Get up and lets have a drink."

When I lifted my upper body, which was almost leaning towards him, Yoon Hee-gyeom also rose up. I tried to get up to bring the wine from the table. But Yoon Hee-gyeom took the wine glass that i was holding on my hand and put it on the side table.


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