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When I entered the hotel room, Yoon Hee-gyeom was not there. No, I just thought he wasn't. He was asleep on the bed without knowing I had come in. Even if he couldn't hear the sound of my footsteps being buried in the carpet, the sound of the door opening and closing would have been heard, but his breathing continued softly and evenly.

Is he tired? He said he was filming the movie day and night, but no matter how much he liked filming, Yoon Hee-gyeom must be tired. He didn't seem to have lost any more weight, but he didn't look good either. Even when he closed his eyes, I felt like there was a shadow under them, and somehow he looked haggard. His nose and jawline look a little sharper. Perhaps he was thinner when he was an actor, or his current face, which lost a little more weight, looked a little closer to his face when he was an actor.

I got a bottle of wine which I rummaged through the cellar at home. I guess I had to drink alone.

  Yoon Hee-gyeom did not wake up even while I was opening the wine bottle and pouring a glass by myself.

  While pouring the second cup, I wanted to smoke. It was because its been a habit of mine to drink and smoke when I was too lazy to take out cheese as a snack while drinking wine alone at night. Yoon Hee-gyeom was still sleeping, so I took out a cigarette with the intention of going out on the terrace to smoke, but I just put it on the table.  I don't think I even needs to go out to smoke.

  To be honest, Yoon Hee-gyeom's face alone was enough for me than the snacks.  Instead of going out to the terrace, I found myself sitting on the bed he was sleeping on, holding his face.

Such...a handsome face. A face that is so handsome that I'm touching it without me realizing it. His tanned skin was still on the fair side without blemishes. I wiped his bruised eyes and cheekbones with the back of my hand, tickling his cheek with my fingers. His skin felt rougher than I expected. His lips, which had been bleeding and scabbed over, had healed without a trace, but were dry and flaky and cracked.  Aren't you supposed to apply a moisturizer?  Don't you have money to buy skincare? The lips touching my fingers had a strong feeling, but they were still warm and soft.

He had a very high nose. If the center hadn't protruded finely, I would have suspected that it would have been built with medical power.  Yoon Hee-gyeom's eyebrows twitched briefly as I lightly traced from between his thick eyebrows to the tip of his nose.  The tip of his nose flinches, maybe it itches.

It was a strange feeling.  When Yoon Hee-gyeom was not in front of me, I thought about Yoon Hee-gyeom so much, and conjectures and guesses were complicatedly intertwined, but now I have no thoughts in my head. Just… that my stomach churned as I felt my chest tightening. Eventhough I've drank only one or two sips from one glass, but I felt like I was getting drunk quickly. There was a mix of thoughts that I wanted him to open his eyes and wishing that he would just stay asleep like this. At this rate… I won't have to think about what he doesn't know or what he knows.

Exotic Love (Novel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz