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My bedroom always had the black curtains tightly closed. I was only able to sleep a little bit at dawn, so I wanted to block even a little light that would disturb my sleep.  I probably only slept three hours today.  A person without insomnia would never understand, but not being able to sleep was so painful that I would rather just die.

   When did my insomnia begin?  Psychiatrists speculated that the cause was the trauma of losing both my parents at a young age.  I can't even remember the circumstances of the accident, but when I woke up one day, the day without my mother or father had begun. I did not even cry once when looking for my parents, because of it people thought i'm a despicable kid but in fact i can't sleep since my parents funeral. I had to go to bed around ten o'clock at night, and I slept for four or five hours then when I woke up, I could not fall asleep again and just toss and turn.  Even if I was physically fit when I was young, the fatigue didn't go anywhere, so insomnia contributed to my feisty personality.

   Chairman Jung and his relatives, who realized that my nervousness was the cause of insomnia, tried everything to cure the insomnia, but as I got older, it became even more difficult to sleep.  The reason that Chairman Jung tolerated my drug usage to some extent was because I was able to fall asleep if I was drunk when my sleep disturbance became severe.  He must have received such a report through Kim Tae-woon, and Chairman Jung did not interfere any more after he told me to enjoy it as long as I did not injure himself.  He must have trust me that I knew the extent.

Even now, its hard to fall asleep. Since, there was no shortage of time, i do my work more than others. I could've stayed up all night working alone.

  Even when I woke up, my eyes would throb and my head would be numb. I've never felt refreshed when I wake up from sleep unless I took propofol. If I had a dream of falling asleep, I would realize, "Oh, I'm awake now." Its an unpleasant thing that can't even be called a dream, which stays in my head when I'm neither sleeping nor awake.


  But today, somehow, my mind is clear.  As if I had been given a stimulant, or even compared to that, my consciousness was clear and my body was relaxed. My blinking eyes rolled softly, not stiff like usual.

  'What? How did I get such a good sleep' With that thought in mind, when I opened the door to get ready to go to work.

  I was startled to see the man sitting and tapping on the laptop.

  "……Kim Tae Woon?"

  If I had known I would have worn pants. 3 buttons of the shirt i was wearing is unbuttoned and I was barefoot without pants. I could only look at the guy who interrupted the morning with his sudden appearance with a perspective 'What brings you here at this hour?' It must not be late for work yet, but I noticed something while looking at him.

The light coming in from the window was very bright.  It was never the light of 5-6 o'clock of my wake up time.  This light, which I have never normally seen outside through the window in my office.....

  Then I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:54. I don't know what I looked like on the outside, but I was shocked.  That I overslept until it was close to ten o'clock?

  "You slept so well that I didn't wake you up."

  Kim Tae-woon, who stood up after closing his laptop, said that he have emptied my morning schedule. His words passed through my ears. I was still panicking. Oh my God,I overslept. I can't believe I slept so soundly.

  "What drugs did you take yesterday?"


  "I'm not judging you, I think it works. I'll take the prescription with the same ingredient."

I couldn't understand Kim Tae-woon words for a moment.  It was only after reflecting on his words over and over again that I understood that Kim Tae-woon had cited drugs as the cause of my sleepiness.  Somehow, I was embarrassed by the current state of my sleep, but at the same time, I was surprised. It was natural for Kim Tae-woon to come forward to get a prescription. Even if I was drunk, I was just half asleep and couldn't even wake up. I don't know what kind of drugs it was, but I rarely had such a sound sleep. That's why I'm so happy that I slept so well.

  "…Should I ask Director Yoon?"

  It occurred to me that I didn't do any drugs yesterday.

  "…...Darn it"

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