Chapter 4 - The Black Sea

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"You will beware, you're in for a scare!~"

My eyes started to fade as the intro for the next goosebumps episode started. Crap! I'm gonna lose my bet with mom! Fight it Nyx! Fight it! Casey left an episode ago, that means it's only twelve! You've stayed up later!

However, no matter what I told myself, the darkness continued to devour my sight. Till there was nothing but an endless black sea. The waves consumed me and dragged me under. I didn't hear the normal swishing of water, but soft whispers caressing my ears.

"You're a monster."

"You're a freak."

"Your dad left because you were a freak."

"You're ugly."

"You're the reason mom can't see."

I tried to swim up to the surface, but the current just swept me under. My throat burned, and I couldn't hold my breath any longer. I gasped for air and the darkness flooded my lungs. Then the whispers started to grow louder, and turned into shouts.

"You should just kill yourself!"

"Casey's only your friend because she feels sorry for you!"

"She'd be happier if she never met you!'

"You enjoyed stabbing that kid!"

"You wish you could've killed him!"

I tried to scream but the water engulfed me, muffling any sound I could've made. I drifted deeper and deeper into the abyss, and all the voices fell silent.

"No one will ever love you." It whispered.

Then, the silence came back. The current loosened its grip on me and left me to drift. I couldn't breathe, yet I was alive. Accompanied by nothing but the deafening silence.

I wish I were dead.

Suddenly a bright light shone from the bottom of the sea. The water's icy hold soon faded, and I felt warmth crawling up my finger tips. I winced and yanked my arms away, but the warmth kept coming. No! Just let me drown! I don't want it!

"I love you Nyx."

My mother's voice whispered.

"Because you're Nyx. I don't think you'd lie to me unless it was to save my life."

Then I heard Casey's.

Just let me go, just let me drown! A hand formed from the light and reached out to me. Clasping its fiery glow around my wrists. I shuttered and tried to pull away, but deep down. I just wanted them to pull harder. I let myself go and the hand pulled me in and embraced me. The light ate the darkness and blinded me. Soon it faded, and the next sight managed to take my breath away.

I was floating in the air, hovering over my own body. My skin was paler than usual, and I was drooling something black.

"What?" I mumbled.

I moved my hand out, and I was translucent. I could see right through my hand and back down to my body.

"Did, did I just die?"

I looked around the room and tried to move. But the only thing I could manage was my arms and legs. After a bit of struggling, I started to notice I was slowly descending back down to my body.

Was this an out of body experience? Was I in-between dying and living!? I panicked and tried to flail around, but nothing.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

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