Halloween special: Bills house

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Dylan skipped along in the darkness on the old empty road. Holding out his phone and happily scrolling through it to get to his YouTube page, excited for his Livestream. He glanced over to his buddy Wade, who was too busy diving into a bag of Lays potato chips to pay attention to what time it was. Dylan grumbled and smacked Wade in the back of the head. 

"Ah! What was that for dude!" Wade grumbled and rubbed the back of his head. 

"Aren't you the one who complains that our viewers call you Choji because the stream always starts with you eating something?" Dylan pointed out and squinted his eyes at him. 

"Well you could just give me a heads up! Instead of hitting me, dick!" Wade said and shoved Dylan. 

"I told you we were gonna start once we got down the road from the house!" He yelled back and shoved Wade, who barely moved from Dylan's little twig arms. 

"Well how am I supposed to know we're here!" He yelled and shoved Dylan again. 

Dylan stumbled back and dropped his phone. But just barely catching himself in the process. Then in a fit of rage he talked the walking submarine to the ground. Where they rolled on the sidewalk, fighting for dominance over one another. That is, until they both rolled right next to Dylan's phone, and saw the shining red light coming from it. Indicating that their little squabble was now being broadcasted to their entire fanbase. The two looked between each other, then back to the phone. Comments were loading into the chat, asking if Wade was gonna kiss Dylan finally. 

"Ewww, get off me man!" Dylan squeaked and shoved at the beast that was laying on top of him, which had no avail. 

Wade was sadly distracted by the flooding in messages on the screen. A bit pleased with himself that he wasn't eating on camera for once. However, once he started seeing the shipping comments he rolled off Dylan fast. The pair took a moment to breathe and fix themselves up before Dylan grabbed his phone. He took a breath and pushed on a smile as he turned the screen toward himself.

"Welcome one and all to another investigation by, The Seeker Brothers!" Dylan cheered into the camera. "Today we're investigating an abandoned home that Wade said he heard strange noises coming from a few days ago."

Dylan turned his camera toward the area around them. Showing a practically empty and cracked road, and beside the road was a sea of tall yellow grass. Then he stopped at a small lone home that stood in the sea of grass. 

"Can you see that folks?" Dylan asked and panned the camera around. "Not a single home but this one around. Now, Wade did some reading about this place, so Wade, why don't you take it away?"

Dylan then turned the camera onto Wade. Who gave the camera a Devilish smirk as he took a pair of lensless glasses from his pocket. He put them on his face and pretended to fix them on his nose. 

"Why thank you my friend." He said and ran his fingers through his silky black locks. "Now, the story isn't anything too crazy, but still interesting. The files say that a farmer named Bill Doverman had this place built because he wanted to get away from the city. However, upon a little further digging, his family and friends all stated he was acting very paranoid prior to making the home. He'd stay locked inside of his room for days on end, he'd scream in the middle of the night. And he had a nurse who was taking care of him who suddenly just vanished. The family doesn't know what happened to her, and he never spoke of her." He said and winked at the camera. "F.Y.I the guy died like, thirty years ago too."

Dylan turned it back on him now. "We couldn't look her up due to it being confidential. So who knows? Maybe she just quit because she couldn't take it, and the family didn't know her well enough to really search."

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